About Me

About Pariah Burke Training & Consulting

Welcome to Pariah Burke Training & Consulting

Hello there! I am Pariah Burke, and I’m excit­ed to intro­duce you to a world of unpar­al­leled soft­ware train­ing and con­sult­ing ser­vices. If you’re look­ing to ele­vate your skills in Adobe, Microsoft Office, Canva, Section 508 Compliance, and oth­er essen­tial soft­ware prod­ucts, you have come to the right place. Let me show you how I can empow­er you to achieve remark­able results.


When you choose to train and con­sult with me, you’re not just invest­ing in edu­ca­tion; you’re invest­ing in tan­gi­ble, mea­sur­able results. Here’s what you can expect when you embark on this jour­ney with me:

  • Enhanced Competitive Advantage
  • Increased Revenue Streams
  • Cost Reductions
  • Supercharge Your Productivity
  • Streamlined Efficiency
  • Unleash Your Creativity
  • Seamless Integration of New Technologies
  • Reignite Your Passion for Work
  • Say Goodbye to Software and Workflow Frustrations

Fully Customized to Your Goals, Your Workflow, Your Team

What tru­ly sets Pariah Burke Training & Consulting apart is my unwa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to tai­lor­ing every engage­ment to you. Your unique goals, work­flows, and team dynam­ics form the bedrock of my approach. I sim­ply do not believe in one-size-fits-all solu­tions. My team and I are 100% about cus­tomiz­ing every aspect of your train­ing and con­sul­ta­tion. Simply put: you are not every oth­er client. Period.

Here’s how we–you and I, a col­lab­o­ra­tive relationship–get start­ed. I begin by ask­ing these questions:

  • What does your work­flow look like?
  • What projects do you work on, or aspire to undertake?
  • Where do you cur­rent­ly encounter frus­tra­tions, inef­fi­cien­cies, or tedious tasks in your workflow?
  • How will you define suc­cess after our train­ing or consultation?

Your answers to these ques­tions serve as the blue­print for your edu­ca­tion­al jour­ney. I am an agile instruc­tor and con­sul­tant who will craft a tailor-made cur­ricu­lum that address­es your unique work­flow chal­lenges and goals.

Fun, Engaging, Focused

Learning should be fun, but it should­n’t com­pro­mise on sub­stance. I under­stand that you have a busi­ness unit to run, and I take that respon­si­bil­i­ty very seri­ous­ly. My train­ing and con­sult­ing ser­vices strike the per­fect bal­ance between enjoy­ment and laser-focused learning.

How do I do it?

Here’s my secret: I am, and have always been, a cre­ative pro­fes­sion­al and a man­ag­er of cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als. I under­stand the work, the mind­set, the demands placed upon cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als, and I spend every day work­ing to learn more about those aspects of the job for oth­er cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als and man­agers of cre­ative pros. In short: I start with deep under­stand­ing and a long career, and then I lis­ten, ego-free, to under­stand the needs of my peers, their lead­ers, and their clients. Then I turn that insight into an approach to edu­ca­tion of real-world pro­fes­sion­als work­ing on real-world projects under real-world dead­lines. The end result is that I am com­plete­ly focussed on teach­ing what you need to do your job—today and tomorrow.

My approach is designed with results-oriented pro­fes­sion­als in mind, indi­vid­u­als who have jobs to excel at, with man­agers and clients to sat­is­fy. To achieve this, I com­bine exten­sive soft­ware, work­flow, and busi­ness exper­tise with a deep under­stand­ing of how these tools are applied in pro­fes­sion­al set­tings. I am an agile edu­ca­tor who can adapt on the fly to cater to your spe­cif­ic needs as I teach your personnel.


A Full Range of Introductory, Advanced, and Expert Courses

I am a pro­lif­ic, expert edu­ca­tor who deliv­ers Instructor Led Training, Virtual Instructor Lead Training, On-Site Classroom Training, Private Customized Training, White Label Subcontract Training, and Project-Based Training in the fol­low­ing mission-critical appli­ca­tions for pro­fes­sion­al workflows:

  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Adobe Acrobat Section 508 and Accessibility
  • Adobe Audition
  • Adobe Captivate
  • Adobe Express
  • Adobe Firefly Generative AI
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InCopy
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe LiveCycle Designer
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Articulate 360/Storyline
  • Camtasia
  • Canva
  • Canva Advanced with AI
  • ChatGPT for Creative Professionals and Creative Business Owners
  • eBook Creation & Publishing in InDesign
  • Fixed-Layout (aka Picture Book or Children’s Book) eBook Creation & Publishing in InDesign
  • Generative AI for Creative Professionals (With ChatGPT, Firefly, Speechify, Canva, video AIs, and more!)
  • InDesign Section 508 and Accessibility
  • Infographic Design with Adobe Illustrator
  • Infographic Design with Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel
  • Infographic Design with Canva
  • Keyboard Maestro
  • Microsoft Office Section 508 and Accessibility
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Screenflow
  • Typography
  • QuarkXPress
  • Web & App Development Section 508 and Accessibility

Custom Education

In addi­tion to the above, I devel­op and deliv­er cus­tom edu­ca­tion­al mate­ri­als, course­ware, class­room train­ing, knowl­edge assess­ment, and edu­ca­tion­al strat­e­gy for your pro­pri­etary sys­tems and products.

Class Levels

Most soft­ware class­es are avail­able as introductory‑, advanced‑, and expert-level (mas­ter class) class­es for learn­ers of all lev­els and dura­tions of expe­ri­ence with a giv­en technology.

For exam­ple… The InDesign Intro Course is intend­ed for users who have nev­er used Adobe InDesign, or use it less than dai­ly for six months or less.

The InDesign Advanced Course assumes a famil­iar­i­ty with basic tasks in Adobe InDesign, such as cre­at­ing and fill­ing text frames and graph­ic frames, work­ing with pages, and using the most com­mon tools. It is an ide­al course for InDesign users who are self-taught and would like to fill in gaps in their knowl­edge, and for users who want to go beyond the basics and learn to use InDesign efficiently.

In the InDesign Master Class Course, expert-level edu­ca­tion is pro­vid­ed to peo­ple who have used InDesign pro­fes­sion­al­ly for a few years or more. Master Class cours­es are even more high­ly cus­tomized to stu­dents’ needs and learn­ing goals than Intro or Advanced courses.

Budgetable Rates Per Day

Training rates are per day (or ½ Day) and not per stu­dent. The total instruc­tor dai­ly (or half-daily) rate remains the same whether you are 2 or 10 stu­dents, 11 or 20, 21 to 50, or 51 or more, enabling major sav­ings cou­pled with the high­est qual­i­ty cus­tomized training.

Hands-On Training/Consulting—On-Site* or Online/Virtual Instructor-Led Training

Note: Remote class­es are deliv­ered via Zoom. * On-site training/consultation may incur trav­el expens­es on top of the below class rates.

Number of Students Length Flat Rate Per Student
1‑on‑1 (One Student) Full Day $1,000.00 $1,000
1‑on‑1 (One Student) ½ Day $750.00 $750
2—10 Students Full Day $1,500.00 $750—$150
2—10 Students ½ Day $1,000.00 $500—$100
11—20 Students Full Day $2,500.00 $228—$125
11—20 Students ½ Day $1,500.00 $137—$75
21—50 Students Full Day (Lecture Style) $5,000.00 $238—$100
21—50 Students ½ Day $3,500.00 $166—$70
51 or More Students Full Day (Lecture Style) $6,000.00 $118

Day Lengths

A full day is 7 hours—6 hours of class­room instruc­tion with a 1‑hour lunch, giv­ing stu­dents an hour before or after class to deal with e‑mail, phone calls, and oth­er work with­out inter­rupt­ing learn­ing. (Start time, and thus end time, are at clien­t’s discretion.)

A ½ Day is 3 hours. Two half-day engage­ments on the same day will be billed at the low­er full-day rate.

Class Sizes

Rates are per class, but rel­e­vant to the num­ber of stu­dents due to the increased dif­fi­cul­ty of tai­lor­ing the edu­ca­tion to each indi­vid­ual in larg­er groups. Our on-site class­es are typ­i­cal­ly deliv­ered for up to 25 stu­dents per instruc­tor, while vir­tu­al class­es we pre­fer to cap at 90 stu­dents (lecture-style, see below, or 50 stu­dents in hands-on, instructor-led training).

We advise hold­ing mul­ti­ple class­es rather than try­ing to cram too many stu­dents into a sin­gle class. Smaller class sizes enable our instruc­tors to bet­ter focus on the needs of the indi­vid­ual learn­ers, help­ing every­one in the class and the entire com­pa­ny bet­ter achieve the learn­ing objec­tives for the class. If tim­ing is an issue, we can flex­i­ble; let’s talk.

Lecture Style Courses

Lecture-style cours­es are deliv­ered as non-hands-on lecture-style edu­ca­tion where­in the instruc­tor can edu­cate a large num­ber of peo­ple, but where hands-on and indi­vid­ual inter­ac­tion is lim­it­ed. If your team needs to learn accord­ing to a pre-built cur­ricu­lum, either a stan­dard Adobe, Microsoft, IconLogic, or oth­er pre-written cur­ricu­lum, with or with­out basic, pre-event cus­tomiza­tion, then the Lecture Style Course may be for your team, espe­cial­ly if you have a large team or mul­ti­ple loca­tions that will be par­tic­i­pat­ing virtually.

Lead Time

We pre­fer to have 4 to 6 weeks of lead time in sched­ul­ing class­es or con­sul­ta­tions, but the real­i­ty of today’s busi­ness world is that time is a lux­u­ry. Whatever your time frame—from two months out to two days out—we’ll do our best to work with­in your sched­ule.

Travel Expenses

Travel expens­es will be added when our staff is required to trav­el out­side the “local” area or when tal­ent is brought in from out­side the local area. We will advise you of this ear­ly on in our dis­cus­sions so you are aware of poten­tial addi­tion­al cost. As a Portland, Oregon-based orga­ni­za­tion, most loca­tions in the Portland Metro Area would not involve addi­tion­al trav­el expens­es. And, of course, Virtual Instructor-Led Training via Zoom incurs $0 trav­el expens­es to deliv­ery any­where on Earth.

Class Materials

In most cas­es class mate­ri­als are includ­ed in the price of the class. Exceptions are list­ed with­in the course descrip­tion itself. Any soft­ware pur­chas­es and cus­tom devel­op­ment of scripts, plu­g­ins, and oth­er mate­ri­als is not includ­ed in the above class­room rates.