ePublishing with InDesign, 2015 Edition

Create, Deploy, and Manage Digital Publications of All Kinds

For pub­lish­ers, design­ers, authors, and self-publishers.

This book walks you through the entire process of build­ing a pro­fes­sion­al, for-profit dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing work­flow: plan­ning, adding mul­ti­me­dia and inter­ac­tiv­i­ty, and pub­lish­ing using InDesign. In no time, you’ll be cre­at­ing ebooks, media-rich ebooks, emagazines, ecat­a­logs, tablet dig­i­tal mag­a­zines, and more! For use with Adobe InDesign CS6 or CC (any version.)

The Business of ePublishing 2015

The Business of ePublishing 2015 explains in thor­ough detail what pro­fes­sion­al pub­lish­ers, design­ers, and tra­di­tion­al, inde­pen­dent, and hybrid authors need to know about the world and busi­ness of dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing today and tomor­row. It goes beyond the rhetoric and para­noid procla­ma­tions ram­pant in social media, blogs, and news out­lets to pro­vide prov­able, unbi­ased insight into the users, devices, for­mats, and real world eco­nom­ics of ebooks, fixed-layout ebooks, dig­i­tal text­books, dig­i­tal mag­a­zines, and more for all lev­els of publishing—enterprise, small- to medium-sized pub­lish­ing, indy, and self publishing.

The Wild, Wild West of ePublishing

This course lays out for you all the for­mats, sys­tems, chan­nels, and devices you have for pub­lish­ing con­tent through elec­tron­ic means. It shows you each option’s pros and its cons, dis­cuss­es each option’s pric­ing and poli­cies, and iden­ti­fies which deliv­ery chan­nels reach which of your audi­ence segments.

Introduction to eBook Creation and Publishing (Lecture)

In this lecture-style pre­sen­ta­tion you will watch as the instruc­tor starts with a typ­i­cal man­u­script from Microsoft Word or Apple Pages and from it pro­duces a ful­ly laid out, ready for sale ebook.

eBook Creation and Publishing

In this hands-on course we’ll start with a typ­i­cal man­u­script and move start to fin­ish through to putting it up for sale (or stop­ping just shy of putting it up for sale if you like) as a pro­fes­sion­al­ly pro­duced, platform-optimized ebook.

ePublishing Community Bulletin 21 May 2012

Share-worthy epub­lish­ing and dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing com­mu­ni­ty news, tuto­ri­als, arti­cles, resources, and mis­cel­lany I’ve run across. How to pre­pare a USB flash dri­ve to work with an Apple iPad | Video AT&T Sees …

ePublishing Community Bulletin 2 December 2011

Share-worthy epub­lish­ing and dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing com­mu­ni­ty news, tuto­ri­als, arti­cles, resources, and mis­cel­lany I’ve run across. Future of WebOS: HP Decision Expected in Two Weeks WebOS has been hang­ing in the air …

ePublishing Community Bulletin 29 September 2011

Share-worthy epub­lish­ing and dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing com­mu­ni­ty news, tuto­ri­als, arti­cles, resources, and mis­cel­lany I’ve run across. RIM reveals what Android fea­tures the PlayBook won’t sup­port. It’s not pret­ty. Speaking at DroidCon, …

ePublishing Community Bulletin 5 September 2011

Share-worthy epub­lish­ing and dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing com­mu­ni­ty news, tuto­ri­als, arti­cles, resources, and mis­cel­lany I’ve run across. Baker Ebook Framework 2.0 Tags: HTML5 ebook ipad frame­work pub­lish­ing Amazon tablet com­ing in November …