Creative Community Bulletin 11 November 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • The Importance of Design in Business – Report by the Design Council

    Inside the report – what you’ll find
    Our three find­ings on how busi­ness­es can ben­e­fit from design:
    Design is customer-centred
    Benefit is great­est when design is inti­mate­ly relat­ed to solv­ing prob­lems, espe­cial­ly cus­tomers’ problems.
    Design is most pow­er­ful when cul­tur­al­ly embedded
    It works best when it has strong sup­port in the organ­i­sa­tion, espe­cial­ly from senior management.
    Design can add val­ue to any organisation
    Design can ben­e­fit man­u­fac­tur­ing and service-based organ­i­sa­tions, small, medi­um or large.”

  • 11 Tips For Entrepreneurs Who Hate Sales
    “11 suc­cess­ful entre­pre­neurs give advice on how to best make peace in their sales­per­son role.
  • Solutions for New Technologies’ Effects on Color Management

    Color work­flow inno­va­tion is one of Erica Aitken’s main focus­es as founder and pres­i­dent of her com­pa­ny, Rods and Cones. We asked Erica, one of our fea­tured speak­ers at this year’s Color Management Conference, about some of the chal­lenges her clients face with col­or man­age­ment today, as well as her insights and rec­om­mend­ed solutions.

  • 5 Ways to Test Your Responsive Web Design

    As the use of mobile devices con­tin­ues to rise all across the world, so does the need for us to deliv­er a tai­lored expe­ri­ence for those devices on the web. There’s very lit­tle debate about the fact that the best way to do this is to design a sin­gle, respon­sive web­site instead of serv­ing up mul­ti­ple ver­sions of “mobile opti­mized” web­pages as we have in the past. The only prob­lem I have with respon­sive lay­outs is that when it comes time to test them out, I sim­ply don’t have a mul­ti­tude of devices and/or oper­at­ing sys­tems to test them on. Because of this I’ve turned to a few dif­fer­ent test­ing tools for respon­sive web design, and in this arti­cle I’ll share my top 5.”

  • Rise Of The Renter Class: In A Spotify World, Need We Own Anything?
    “The more we put into our dig­i­tal devices, the less we seem to own it. Something’s got to give.
  • 7 Amazing Mobile Apps For Designers, Artists And Color Lovers

    The advent of mobile devices, let alone com­put­ers has changed the way we see and use col­or for­ev­er. Apple and Android’s apps and app stores pro­vide any num­ber of amaz­ing­ly use­ful apps for col­or afi­ciona­dos and we’ve com­piled a list of some of the most amaz­ing in our opinion.

  • The Pin-Ups In This Calendar Are Wearing Only Spilled Milk But Nobody’s Crying About It
    “Got milk? Photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz cer­tain­ly does: His new pin-up cal­en­dar fea­tures high-speed pho­tos of women wear­ing milk as dress­es (mild­ly NSFW).
  • 5 Things Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Confidence

    Have you ever won­dered why char­ac­ters like Hannibal Lecter are so com­pelling? Almost despite our­selves, we’re drawn to them regard­less of their deeply evil nature. But they have a charis­ma that’s born from an unshake­able sense of self-confidence. It allows them to feel free to be them­selves with apolo­gies to no one. Luckily, you can devel­op the con­fi­dence of a ser­i­al killer with­out sac­ri­fic­ing any of your moral standards.P

    Here are some of the things they do that you can learn from (with­out hav­ing to actu­al­ly kill someone).P

  • 6 Reasons Why Social Media Can NOT Help You Save Your Business

    We have all heard of the amaz­ing suc­cess sto­ries that oth­er busi­ness­es have told about how social media is the rea­son they are suc­cess­ful and thrive over their com­pe­ti­tion. While some busi­ness­es might be prof­it­ing, oth­ers could be hurt­ing them­selves with it. Social media isn’t all hap­py times and loads of money.

  • Iceland: Where one in 10 peo­ple will pub­lish a book
    “Iceland is expe­ri­enc­ing a book boom. This island nation of just over 300,000 peo­ple has more writ­ers, more books pub­lished and more books read, per head, than any­where else in the world.”
  • The Next Phase of eBook Growth According to Joshua Tallent, Founder of eBook Architects
    “Joshua Tallent is the founder and Chief eBook Architect for eBook Architects in Austin, Texas, a sub­sidiary of Firebrand Technologies. Tallent has a long been a strong voice for the role of design and a more thought­ful approach to ebook presen…
  • The Ultimate Include/Require Script for WordPress
    “To save time and let you start cre­at­ing code now, not after hours (or days) of Googling a solu­tion, I cre­at­ed a sim­ple script with which I start all my cus­tom files. It han­dles all the prop­er files I need for 99% of my development.

  • 25 Little Known Facts About Left Handedness

    While these days being left hand­ed isn’t seen as much of a big deal (at least in the west), for a good bit of his­to­ry most parts of the world held less than favor­able atti­tudes towards it. It is indis­putable, how­ev­er, that some of the most piv­otal fig­ures in his­to­ry were left hand­ed. From Albert Einstein and Alexander the Great to Osama bin Laden and Jack The Ripper, these are 25 lit­tle known facts about left handedness.

  • 5 Colors, Shapes, and Techniques That Make Your Company Friendlier
    “Whether you run a small busi­ness with a few clients or a large cor­po­ra­tion that tar­gets thou­sands of peo­ple each day, your online pres­ence is of the utmost impor­tance. Having a cold, uninvit­ing site is bad for busi­ness. This sends the wrong me…
  • Why The $110 Billion Gift Card Industry Must Die
    “Here’s what could replace it. Hint: Technology is involved.”