Creative Community Bulletin 12 December 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • What NOT To Do If Someone Has Infringed On Your Copyright | #Copyright for #Designers
    “When some­one infringes on your copy­right, using your work with­out your per­mis­sion, you need to take action, but you MUST take the RIGHT action. Doing it wrong could not only cause you to lose your infringe­ment claim, it could cost you mon­ey an…
  • 13 Internet Morals That Children’s Book Can Teach You
    “More than just a bit of nos­tal­gia, read­ing pic­ture books can teach you impor­tant lessons that might apply to your life of work and bills more than you’d think.

    The same sto­ries that taught you not to pick on kids at recess can also teach you …

  • 20 Best Free Apps For Mobile Entrepreneurs | OPEN Forum
    “What does it take to stay pro­duc­tive on the road? Just 20 free apps that can help you work and trav­el with ease.
  • Free Gifts From Apple. Don’t Miss Out On Yours!

    Be sure to down­load the new app from Apple called 12 Days of Gifts. As usu­al, Apple makes us smile! This year they have an app that is avail­able free for iPad and iPhone. Each day they offer a free gift that is avail­able for down­load for 24 hours. Songs, apps, books, movies and more will be made avail­able start­ing December 26. Any guess­es on the content?”

  • Facebook is for grand­par­ents: What we need in a next-gen social network

    It’s time to move on. The feel­ing is becom­ing more and more sig­nif­i­cant with each pass­ing day and it just keeps spreading.

    It’s just not it any more… we want some­thing new, excit­ing, which can take us places we’ve nev­er been. We want to be sur­prised again. We want a new, bet­ter social network.”

  • Homeless Coder Prevails Over Skeptics, Releases Mobile App to Get Off the Streets

    When Patrick McConlogue announced his inten­tion to teach a home­less man to code, the Internet unleashed its wrath.

    People called him arro­gant, “a 21st cen­tu­ry ass­hole,” and crit­i­cized him for turn­ing a home­less man into a “start­up exper­i­ment” and weav­ing an “imag­i­nary entre­pre­neur­ial novella.””

  • What 10 things should you do every day to improve your life?
    “10 things that sci­en­tif­ic research shows can help improve your life.
  • Map Shows State Laws Against Cell Phone Use While Driving
    “We all know that tex­ting while dri­ving is a ter­ri­ble, dan­ger­ous thing to do. Some states have tak­en action with laws that ban tex­ting while dri­ving, while oth­ers have gone beyond that to also pro­hib­it using your hand­held cell phone (tex­ting or…
  • Google vs. Apple vs. Amazon: The App Store Maturity Shootout, the Pfeiffer Report

    Apps are essen­tial. When we buy a tablet or a smart­phone, it is a world of apps we are acquir­ing; by that token, the app store’s effi­cien­cy in pin­point­ing exact­ly the right apps for our needs is para­mount to the over­all val­ue of a device.
    But how good are they?

    This report answers two sim­ple ques­tions: first, how mature are the three major app stores, and, more impor­tant­ly, how good could they be?

  • 15 Free Google Helpouts to Get Expert Tips for Your Everyday Problems
    “Google Helpouts is a new ser­vice that con­nects you live to real experts who can help you with a vari­ety of prob­lems. Whether it’s a house­hold plumb­ing prob­lem, a tricky tech prob­lem, or how to stick to your diet over the hol­i­days, there’s some…
  • 7 Common Causes of Corporate Culture Crises

    Culture is a pow­er­ful force that can have a huge impact on the suc­cess of any com­pa­ny, whether it’s a tiny online retail­er or a giant cor­po­ra­tion. But har­ness­ing this force isn’t always easy. Kai Hammerich — an inter­na­tion­al head­hunter with Russell Reynolds Associates in London — believes that, to get cul­ture work­ing for your com­pa­ny, you may need an out­sider’s perspective.

  • Best Grunge and Abstract Fonts (Part 2)

    Here’s a show­case of 100 Great Grunge and Abstract Fonts, some­thing to give you a head start into dirty but cool grunge design. this is best Grunge and Abstract.”

  • 5 Things Developers Need to Know About Design
    “Awesome design does­n’t have to come from the design depart­ment. In fact, design­ers often play by sim­ple guide­lines they fol­low fair­ly intu­itive­ly that any­one can learn. In this ses­sion you will learn the tech­niques design­ers use as well as the…
  • The Surprising History of the To-Do List and How to Design One that Actually Works

    The list is the ori­gin of cul­ture. Wherever you look in cul­tur­al his­to­ry, you will find lists. – Umberto Eco”

  • What makes a good logo?
    “What makes a good logo? A good logo is dis­tinc­tive, appro­pri­ate, prac­ti­cal, graph­ic, sim­ple in form and con­veys an intend­ed message.

  • Best Grunge & Abstract Fonts (Part 1)

    Here’s a show­case of 100 Great Grunge and Abstract Fonts, some­thing to give you a head start into dirty but cool grunge design.”

  • 40 Brilliant InDesign Tutorials #InDesign
    “Improve your skills with these InDesign tuto­ri­als, cov­er­ing live cap­tions, brochure design, ani­mat­ed lay­outs, and more!

  • Adobe to Open .FOLIO Format Under Free License #dps #eprd­ctn
    “Adobe has also announced that it will pub­lish the tech­ni­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tion for the .folio for­mat under a free license in the first quar­ter of 2014. The .folio file for­mat has become the de fac­to stan­dard for high­ly inter­ac­tive dig­i­tal publicati…
  • 7 Consumer Trends To Run With In 2014

    However, as the start of a new year is the time when many of you are doing some extra imag­in­ing and plan­ning and cre­at­ing, we thought we’d do our bit and throw in a hand­ful of con­sumer trends that are beg­ging to be applied in the next 12 months. By you.”