Creative Community Bulletin 14 November 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Design a Stylized Custom WordPress Login Screen

    The WordPress login screen is one of the most gener­ic, we-have-all-seen-the-same-thing, parts of a WordPress site. And, odd­ly enough, it’s one of the more awk­ward things to mod­i­fy as well. There’s no built-in fea­tures for adding your logo or chang­ing the over­all look and feel.

  • 5 Ways to Earn Respect as a New Hire
    You did it. You suc­ceed­ed through rig­or­ous rounds of inter­views, proved your qual­i­fi­ca­tions and earned your­self an offer for a good job with a good company.

    In real­i­ty though, the bat­tle is just begin­ning. Even with an impres­sive track reco…

  • Study Shows Playing Video Games Really Can Make Your Brain Bigger
    In par­tic­u­lar, play­ing Super Mario 64 for 30 min­utes a day over two months increased adult vol­un­teers’ brain vol­ume in their right hip­pocam­pus, the right pre­frontal cor­tex, and the cere­bel­lum. These regions in the brain are respon­si­ble for memo…
  • All Of The Ways Apple’s New Free Mac OS Hurts Microsoft Windows
    The largest ben­e­fit to Apple, how­ev­er, could come through the dis­rup­tion it might bring to Microsoft’s busi­ness mod­el. Last year, Redmond brought in $19.23 bil­lion from the Windows divi­sion, with 65% of that com­ing from licens­ing its operating …
  • How much to charge for design work?
    Danny Outlaw sug­gests to ask your­self 10 Questions when pric­ing yourself:
  • 52 Unique Ways to Create Social Media Magic

    Are you ready to super­charge your social media mar­ket­ing efforts, but don’t know how?

    Do you find the cre­ation of valu­able con­tent that both acti­vates and inspires a thriv­ing com­mu­ni­ty elusive?

    The ideas below are designed with you in mind!

  • The Top 40 Typography Apps
    Boost your skills and knowl­edge, cre­ate type­faces and play font-related games with these bril­liant typog­ra­phy apps for iOS, Android and the web.
  • Marie Curie’s Best Productivity Tricks
    We all hear hor­ror sto­ries of night­mare clients that tread well out­side the bound­aries of writ­ten agree­ments, delay or refuse to pay for com­plet­ed work, or worse. Assertive, unscrupu­lous, and dis­agree­able clients can ask the world of us for a p…
  • How to Make an Android Tablet Work More Like a PC
    Android tablets have got­ten bet­ter over the years, but it’s still hard to be very pro­duc­tive with them out of the box (though they have cer­tain advan­tages). However, with a cou­ple acces­sories and a few apps, you can make them feel a lot more li…
  • 10 Websites With Creative Moving Elements

    Designers spend count­less hours mak­ing care­ful col­or, typog­ra­phy, and lay­out choic­es, but despite those wor­thy efforts, noth­ing draws the eye as pow­er­ful­ly and depend­ably as motion. Proven evo­lu­tion­ary and behav­ioral psy­chol­o­gy demon­strates our instinc­tu­al draw to vis­i­ble ele­ments that move and change. Despite vast tech­no­log­i­cal advances, the human mind still works as it always has — with a visu­al pen­chant for dynamism and motion. With this reli­able prin­ci­ple in mind, why shouldn’t we add some ani­ma­tion to our web design and Internet mar­ket­ing efforts?

  • Envisioning and Finding Your Dream Client
    We all hear hor­ror sto­ries of night­mare clients that tread well out­side the bound­aries of writ­ten agree­ments, delay or refuse to pay for com­plet­ed work, or worse. Assertive, unscrupu­lous, and dis­agree­able clients can ask the world of us for a p…
  • Size Does Matter: The Smaller Your Device, the Lower Your Confidence
    When peo­ple use small­er devices, their pos­ture con­tracts, increas­ing stress and decreas­ing testos­terone lev­els, say researchers Maarten Bos and Amy Cuddy of Harvard Business School. The inverse is true when peo­ple use large desk­top com­put­ers, w…