Creative Community Bulletin 19 December 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Designers Redesign the Airline Boarding Pass – Boarding Pass / Fail

    It was like some­one put on a blind­fold, drank a fifth of whiskey, spun around 100 times, got kicked in the face by a mule (the per­son who designed this def­i­nite­ly has a mule liv­ing with them inside their house) and then just start­ed puk­ing num­bers and let­ters onto the board­ing pass at ran­dom (yes, I real­ize that a human did­n’t lay this out, if a human had, judg­ing by the train-wreck of design, they would have sure­ly used papyrus). There was noth­ing giv­en size or col­or impor­tance over any­thing else, it was a mess. 

  • Create a Unified Transmedia Story as a Freelance Designer

    So what’s “trans­me­dia”, any­way? Simply put, it’s a mes­sage that spans across sev­er­al medi­ums – like your web­site (desk­top and mobile) to social media, to print, and any­where else your free­lanc­ing busi­ness appears. The Aflac duck is a per­fect exam­ple to review before look­ing at the details of how you make trans­me­dia sto­ry­telling work for you as a free­lance graph­ic or web designer:

  • Should Web Designers Take on Print Work?

    When you live and breathe dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, it’s easy to over­look the fact that tra­di­tion­al offline mar­ket­ing was a $93.6 bil­lion indus­try in 2012. Whereas the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing indus­try trails slight­ly behind at $63 billion.

  • 2014 cre­ative trends: lead­ing cre­atives’ hopes and fears for the year ahead

    Rather than ask­ing for thoughtful-but-dry analy­sis of what they believe will hap­pen across the whole indus­try, we decid­ed instead to get a bit more per­son­al. We asked them what they hope will hap­pen – and what they fear might – as from this we can dis­cern the issues that will real­ly care about in 2014: what we should be striv­ing for and what we should be fight­ing against.

  • Why web cen­sor­ship treats us all like children
    “You’re an adult. Fancy need­ing to ask per­mis­sion to tweet? asks Gary Marshall.

    According to the Daily Mail, “the Prime Minister says he wor­ries when any of his three chil­dren ‘grab hold of the iPad’ because they risk see­ing obscene images.” T…

  • A Complete Guide On How To Protect Your Self-Hosted WordPress Website
    The secu­ri­ty of a WordPress based web­site should always be a top pri­or­i­ty for every sin­gle site-owner that chose this plat­form and there are lit­er­al­ly mil­lions of web­sites that are cur­rent­ly vul­ner­a­ble to web­site attacks.
  • UX design­er or devel­op­er: Who will be king in 2014?

    Back in 2010, almost every­one agreed, but just before the glob­al coro­na­tion of soft­ware devel­op­ers, the user expe­ri­ence (UX) design­ers unit­ed in protest, say­ing, “hang on, you are noth­ing with­out us! You are just cod­ing the amaz­ing user expe­ri­ences that we have designed!” There is still ten­sion between UX design­ers and soft­ware devel­op­ers, which bor­ders on sib­ling rivalry.

  • The Coolest Cubicles in the World | Inc​.com
    Small is beautiful–and effi­cient. These free­stand­ing pods, domes, and work­sta­tions are so art­ful­ly designed and eco­log­i­cal­ly sound that one might won­der: Is this the future of work?
  • Trademark Basics for Designers | Copyright for Creative Pros [Video]
    “Whenever there are ques­tions or con­fu­sion about Copyright, Trademark ques­tions and con­fu­sion are usu­al­ly mixed in. In this video Pariah Burke will explain the dif­fer­ences between Copyright and Trademark as well as what is, and what is not, eli…