Creative Community Bulletin 19 November 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Getting To Know The Affordable Care Act For Designers
    “For many free­lancers, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will be a breath of fresh air. The law is pret­ty darn exten­sive, and a lot of big changes and revi­sions are being put into the health­care sys­tem. Some of these are sure to change things for t…
  • 10 More Controversies Of The Future

    ” But the full extent of the scream­ing debates we’re like­ly to have in the next 50 years is so unimag­in­ably ginor­mous it deserves anoth­er look. Think gun con­trol or gay mar­riage are con­tro­ver­sial top­ics? Buddy, you ain’t seen noth­in’ yet.”

  • How to Get Hired Without a Resume

    It’s often a lot eas­i­er to test can­di­dates in the throes of bat­tle than it is to see their qual­i­fi­ca­tions on paper”

  • Financing LGBT Descrimination, Child Labor, Murder, Civilian Bombing, More – 10 Famous Companies with a Shocking Human Rights Problem

    ” However, there’s com­mit­ment to your share­hold­ers, and then there’s stamp­ing all over human rights in exchange for a quick buck. Extortion, mur­der, slav­ery… it turns out there’s noth­ing the fol­low­ing com­pa­nies won’t do in the name of the almighty dollar.”

  • What inner city kids know about social media, and why we should lis­ten — I.M.H.O. — Medium

    I know all these things because I fol­low them all on var­i­ous social media ser­vices. And they know I know; this isn’t some kind of stolen glance into the online life of teenagers that no one is sup­posed to see. Contrary to pop­u­lar belief among adults, these teenagers are not obliv­i­ous to pri­va­cy set­tings and do care a good amount about who can see what online. If any­thing, most of them have con­scious­ly cho­sen what they want to show to me and the rest of the world through social media. And what they’re telling us is who they are and what they need from us as mentors.”

  • Modern fairy­tales: fol­low your heart, dreams can come true, and yippee-ki-yay muthaf@$!er!
    4 Bizarrely Specific Rules Fairy Tale Adaptations All Follow
  • You’re Not A Princess’ Ad Campaign Pushes Female Empowerment
    “The Mercy Academy, an all-girls prepara­to­ry school in Louisville, Ky., is mak­ing waves nation­al­ly for its ad cam­paign telling young girls “You’re Not A Princess,” and encour­ag­ing them to “Prepare for real life.” The cam­paign, which aims to emp…
  • Who Really Owns the Copyright You Think You Do | Copyright for Creative Pros [5m Video]
    “You can eas­i­ly lose your copy­right. Once gone, it can nev­er be returned to you. Let Pariah Burke show you how that can hap­pen so you can pro­tect your­self, your cre­ative work, and your copyrights.

    Excerpt from the Copyright for Creative Profes…

  • Of Course” Design

    The prob­lem with aim­ing for “wow” is when you try to inno­vate, your design process encour­ages nov­el new inter­ac­tions. But by def­i­n­i­tion, nov­el and inno­v­a­tive are often not famil­iar or intu­itive, which can eas­i­ly tip over into “hard to use.””