Creative Community Bulletin 20 November 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Quickly com­bine images and type in InDesign | InDesign | Creative Bloq

    Merging imagery with­in typog­ra­phy can be a sim­ple and effec­tive solu­tion in a vari­ety of sit­u­a­tions, espe­cial­ly when page real estate or visu­al mate­r­i­al isn’t in abun­dance. In the accom­pa­ny­ing poster graph­ic I’ve used this tech­nique to tan­ta­lise the view­er with a sneak peek at the illus­tra­tion work being exhib­it­ed in a gallery.

  • 15 must-see exam­ples of kinet­ic typog­ra­phy | Typography | Creative Bloq
    “See fonts come to life in these amaz­ing kinet­ic typog­ra­phy ani­ma­tions, includ­ing music videos, movie trib­utes and more.

  • Having a Money Meltdown? 7 Prescriptions for Peace

    Crazy, I know. It seemed pre­pos­ter­ous to me too. I was not a holis­tic LeLeche Leaguer or green juicer or any­thing. Shit, it was the 90’s and I was 23 years old. I was death­ly afraid of pain and had no idea how to deliv­er 9 Pounds Of Glory, sans drugs. I tried to ignore it, but my inner guide sat me down and said, “You are going to learn SO MUCH about you, and life, and being a mom if you do this thing nat­u­ral­ly and in a state of trust.” [ *see note » ]

  • The Decline of Wikipedia: Even As More People Than Ever Rely on It, Fewer People Create It

    The sixth most wide­ly used web­site in the world is not run any­thing like the oth­ers in the top 10. It is not oper­at­ed by a sophis­ti­cat­ed cor­po­ra­tion but by a lead­er­less col­lec­tion of vol­un­teers who gen­er­al­ly work under pseu­do­nyms and habit­u­al­ly bick­er with each oth­er. It rarely tries new things in the hope of lur­ing vis­i­tors; in fact, it has changed lit­tle in a decade. And yet every month 10 bil­lion pages are viewed on the English ver­sion of Wikipedia alone. When a major news event takes place, such as the Boston Marathon bomb­ings, com­plex, wide­ly sourced entries spring up with­in hours and evolve by the minute. Because there is no oth­er free infor­ma­tion source like it, many online ser­vices rely on Wikipedia. Look some­thing up on Google or ask Siri a ques­tion on your iPhone, and you’ll often get back tid­bits of infor­ma­tion pulled from the ency­clo­pe­dia and deliv­ered as straight-up facts.

  • The “Personal Brand” Myth – Becoming More Human And Less Machine

    My ini­tial reac­tion was, admit­ted­ly, repul­sion. The phrase, “per­son­al brand” sends shiv­ers up my spine and almost imme­di­ate­ly expels any liq­uid in my mouth onto the floor. Yet the phrase has trac­tion. Lots and lots of traction.”

  • An Analog Art Tool For Making 3‑D Objects Flat
    “Which is what her new tool, the Miira View Frame, does. The unas­sum­ing device is a rec­tan­gu­lar frame, which looks like a cousin to the Etch-A-Sketch, only with flex­i­ble rods that move on a track, via mag­nets, over the face. Adjust the rod’s po…
  • 5 Overused Logo Trends To Avoid

    If you are an aspir­ing design­er look­ing to delve into logo design, you’ll want to devel­op your own style instead of sim­ply emu­lat­ing exam­ples around you. Effective logos are more than just pret­ty; a well-designed logo is pur­pose­ful and unique, which makes fol­low­ing com­mon­place trends a los­ing strat­e­gy. Avid read­ers of DesignFestival are prob­a­bly aware of trou­ble­some col­ors that have the poten­tial to be an eye­sore. This time, we want to focus on a list of overused logo trends that should be avoid­ed if you’re look­ing to design dis­tinct brand­ing for your­self and your clients.

  • Type Humor – Font Conference 
    “This video was­n’t long enough, so we made it double-spaced.”
  • Type Humor – Font Conference 
    “This video was­n’t long enough, so we made it double-spaced.”
  • Why the Mac Pro Isn’t for Professionals [Video]
    This review­er sums up my feel­ings about the 2013 Mac Pro.
  • A Secret To Build Successful Businesses: The Collaborative Startup Canvas
    “I talked to Ross Dawson, world­wide expert about crowd­sourc­ing, who agreed that the Business Model Canvas or Lean Canvas make entre­pre­neurs design too tra­di­tion­al businesses.Let me intro­duce you a frame­work for entre­pre­neur will­ing to build suc…
  • Apple Is Preparing A Mysterious Product For Next Year That Might Be A Giant iPad, Or A Laptop (Or Both?)
    “Apple is man­u­fac­tur­ing a 12.9‑inch screen for a big iPad that will be released next year, Kim Yoo-chul at The Korea Times reports, cit­ing an offi­cial at an Apple sup­pli­er in Korea.

  • A Troublemaker’s Manifesto: The Benefits of Wandering – 99U

    Psychologists are now seri­ous­ly dis­cussing extend­ing the start of “adult­hood” to 25. This is because, to them, young peo­ple are tak­ing a while to “get start­ed,” or to begin check­ing all of the box­es that used to define adult­hood. To this I say: good.

  • 13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics [HTML 5]
    “Infographics are everywhere
    but what made them so successful?
    This info­graph­ic expos­es the sci­ence behind the boom”
  • 19 Mind-Blowing Tricks Every iPhone And iPad User Should Know
    “You spend, like, half of your life on that thing. Time to fig­ure out what it real­ly does.”
  • How China’s One-Child Policy Forced Starbucks To Rethink Its Beijing Stores