Creative Community Bulletin 22 October 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • 5 Best Printed Marketing Methods For Freelancers

    If you don’t know how to mar­ket your­self effec­tive­ly, you’re going to have a tough time obtain­ing and main­tain­ing clients; espe­cial­ly the type of clients that you need to actu­al­ly make a suc­cess of your free­lanc­ing career, rather than the ones who take advantage.

  • The Ten Best Airline Coach Seats
    “From end­less waits to secu­ri­ty checks to hope­less delays, just get­ting on to a flight sucks. But once you’re onboard, these ten com­pa­nies give you the best ser­vice for the least bucks.”
  • How to Use SVG Image Sprites in Web and Mobile Design
    “Despite being scal­able, sav­ing band­width and an obvi­ous can­di­date for Responsive Web Design, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) are rel­a­tive­ly rare on the web. The reasons?

  • Free Photoshop App Icon Template for iOS App Icon Creation

    App icon tem­plate is a free Photoshop resource that makes it eas­i­er for you to make icons. Edit a sin­gle object and it’ll auto­mat­i­cal­ly ren­der out all the var­i­ous sizes required on iOS & Android. Build in tex­tures and col­ors make it easy to get start­ed and the bun­dled actions make export­ing a breeze.”

  • Sean Adams on Typography [Audio]

    Sean is President ex offi­cio and past nation­al board mem­ber of AIGA, and President ex offi­cio of AIGA Los Angeles. He is a Fellow of the Aspen Design Conference, and AIGA Fellow. He teach­es at Art Center College of Design. Sean is a fre­quent lec­tur­er and com­pe­ti­tion judge inter­na­tion­al­ly. Adams is the co-author of Logo Design Workbook, Color Design Workbook, and the series, Masters of Design. AdamsMorioka’s clients include The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Adobe, Gap, Frank Gehry Partners, Nickelodeon, Sundance, Target, USC, and The Walt Disney Company.

  • What Does it Mean to be Simple? “Simple” User Experience Design

    All design­ers say sim­plic­i­ty is impor­tant, but what does it real­ly mean to make some­thing sim­ple? Most of the time we think it means less, that by remov­ing stuff we achieve sim­plic­i­ty. We think by keep­ing con­tent above the fold we’re help­ing peo­ple focus, or by using bul­lets instead of para­graphs more peo­ple will read it, or by cut­ting text in half it becomes more clear. But sim­ple doesn’t mean “less”. A bet­ter def­i­n­i­tion would be “just enough”.”

  • Apple recalls last year’s MacBook Air due to faulty SSDs

    Apple has just announced that it is recall­ing cer­tain mod­els of last year’s MacBook Air line­up — if you have an Air with either a 64GB or 128GB SSD dri­ve, your dri­ve could be faulty and in need of replacement

  • Apple recalls last year’s MacBook Air due to faulty SSDs

    Apple has just announced that it is recall­ing cer­tain mod­els of last year’s MacBook Air line­up — if you have an Air with either a 64GB or 128GB SSD dri­ve, your dri­ve could be faulty and in need of replacement

  • How-To – Wide-Angle Composite Photography

    I enjoy pho­tog­ra­phy and love the look of a wide angle shot. The prob­lem for me, and pos­si­bly for you too, is that I don’t have a thou­sand dol­lars to drop on a sweet wide angle lens. This posed a prob­lem for me when I was plan­ning my trip to Europe this past July. I knew I would be in front of these mas­sive build­ings and wouldn’t be able to back up enough to get the whole sub­ject in frame. As you can see below, I can’t get it all into my viewfinder.

  • A Quick Guide to Sans-Serif Fonts

    The Sans-Serif has gained the rep­u­ta­tion as a “mod­ern” style of typog­ra­phy, but we can find some very ear­ly exam­ples of sans-serif type, writ­ten in Latin, Estruscan, and Greek let­ter­forms. The first doc­u­ment­ed usage of sans-serif type was in 1723, by Scottish schol­ar Thomas Dempster, in his book De Etruria regali lib­ri VII. One of the ear­li­est foundries to design sans-serif type was Caslon, a foundry that was mak­ing type­faces in the Estruscan lan­guage dur­ing the mid-18th Century.”

  • Standing on Weekdays Burns Calories Like Running 10 Marathons a Year
    “We’ve already talked a lot about how sit­ting all day is killing us, but what you might not know is just how good sim­ply stand­ing for a few hours a day can be. A new study found remark­able health ben­e­fits of stand­ing ver­sus sitting.P