Creative Community Bulletin 25 September 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Master typog­ra­phy? In ten minutes?

    It seems incon­ceiv­able to many design­ers that in their midst are col­leagues whose approach to typog­ra­phy is to stick with the defaults, but in actu­al­i­ty it’s a com­mon approach. Web design­ers have fre­quent­ly relied on default brows­er set­tings for the sim­ple rea­son that the con­trol they had was min­i­mal at best.”

  • When Personal and Corporate Brands Collide
    “This past week I was intro­duced to anoth­er case of per­son­al brand­ing col­lid­ing with cor­po­rate ego­tism; an increas­ing­ly com­mon fender-bender in our over-connected world where the line between per­son­al and cor­po­rate per­sonas are becom­ing thinner…
  • Adobe Unveils Adobe Primetime – TV deliv­ery and mon­e­ti­za­tion platform
    “Adobe (Nasdaq: ADBE) today announced a series of tech­nol­o­gy inno­va­tions in Adobe® Primetime, the indus­try’s most advanced TV deliv­ery and mon­e­ti­za­tion plat­form for pro­gram­mers and pay-TV ser­vice providers. New ana­lyt­ics capa­bil­i­ties improve …
  • Get paid faster: the best options for get­ting paid as a free­lancer (with few­er fees)

    These days there are lots of ways to accept pay­ment and the ser­vices that make it sim­ple all want a por­tion of your prof­its. But all that paper­work non­sense is nonexistent.

    So here’s a guide to ways of accept­ing pay­ment, their advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages, and my take on how you should accept payment.”

  • The 11 Worst Things About iOS 7

    At the sur­face lev­el — as with any­thing — beau­ty is in the eye of the behold­er. What one per­son her­alds as a stun­ning, vibrant over­haul, anoth­er might think has been designed by a 6‑year-old with crayons. This con­trast­ing sen­ti­ment has seeped into many aspects of how peo­ple view the new mobile oper­at­ing system.”

  • The Creative Cloud Chronicles: What’s New Since the June Launch? Part 2

    Earlier we took a look what had been added to Creative Cloud sub­se­quent to the June launch of the CC-exclusive ver­sions of the Creative Cloud appli­ca­tions. That took us up to the end of July, while what fol­lows cov­ers August, start­ing with the most recent update. The idea is to pro­vide an overview of the rate at which Adobe is liv­ing up to what it claims is one of the main ben­e­fits of Creative Cloud — fre­quent updates. Did we miss any­thing? Let us know.”

  • 30 Creative Ads for Global Warming Awareness
    “Today this post will ded­i­cate on ads cre­at­ed for glob­al warm­ing aware­ness. Check out the com­plete list of 30 Creative Ads for Global Warming Awareness from below.”
  • Designing for the Next Step

    There are two things that every designed screen must do well: describe the cur­rent step and describe the next step. It’s as simple…and hard…as that.”

  • 10 Empowering Apps for Social Good
    “But have you thought about intro­duc­ing apps into your civic life? There are loads of apps out there that let you donate to good caus­es or learn about crises across the world, all from your phone.

    You can find a wide vari­ety of social good app…

  • The 50 best free Photoshop brushes
    “The web is absolute­ly full of free Photoshop brush­es – there are thou­sands of sites offer­ing free brush­es just a click away, but this makes it incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult to find good qual­i­ty, free brush­es. To save you some time, we’ve round­ed up of …
  • 12 Most Striking Tendencies of Creative People
    Ever won­der what makes those wacky, cre­ative types tick? How is it that some peo­ple seem to come up with all kinds of inter­est­ing, orig­i­nal work while the rest of us trudge along in our dai­ly routines?
    Creative peo­ple are dif­fer­ent because they…
  • 25 Most Creative Print Media Advertisements
    “These are best and lat­est cre­ative ads
    design from var­i­ous ads agen­cies which will sure­ly inspire you. Check out the com­plete post on 25 Most Creative Print Media
  • Phil Libin of Evernote: The Surprise 3 A.M. Email That Saved His $200M Company
    “How a mys­te­ri­ous man who loved Evernote end­ed up sav­ing the com­pa­ny on the night before own­er Phil Libin was going to shut it down.”
  • 10 Latest Premium Adobe Muse Templates and Themes

    Here’s a lat­est col­lec­tion of pre­mi­um Adobe Muse tem­plates and themes to build your com­plete web­site from a design­er tem­plate. Check out our pre­vi­ous post if you want to make the most of the full release of Adobe Muse and learn few tips to help a first timer make the best out of the offi­cial Muse release.”

  • How To Edit Embedded Images In Illustrator Files

    We often receive files from cus­tomers in PDF or Illustrator for­mat that include embed­ded images. Some of the time we get requests from the cus­tomer to mod­i­fy the embed­ded images with­in the PDF or Illustrator file but, yes, you guessed it, they don’t have the orig­i­nal embed­ded image to modify.”

  • Digital Color Mixing Explained
    “Mixing colours dig­i­tal­ly is not the same as mix­ing them phys­i­cal­ly – we explain what the dif­fer­ence between the two is and how to go about it in practice.”
  • 3 Printing Mistakes That Are Costing You Money

    Well, not exact­ly. Really, an hon­est and knowl­edge­able print­ing com­pa­ny will steer you in the right direc­tion, save you mon­ey and edu­cate you on the way. We firm­ly believe that an edu­cat­ed cus­tomer will become the best cus­tomer because the com­mu­ni­ca­tion is clear and the results will be exact­ly as dis­cussed. No one loss­es, no reprints, no extra fees, it’s all win-win.”