Creative Community Bulletin 26 September 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • How to Use Android and iOS Together
    You don’t have to ful­ly com­mit your­self to either Android or iOS, and there are many of us that make use of both major mobile oper­at­ing sys­tems simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. That said, Android and iOS don’t always work very hap­pi­ly togeth­er. No wor­ries, thou…
  • Study: Digital to Account for 1/4 of Global Ad Spending Next Year

    Within dig­i­tal, the divi­sion see­ing the biggest growth is, of course, mobile. While still less than 12% of total dig­i­tal ad spend — spend­ing will be just $15.8 bil­lion glob­al­ly this year — that marks a 79.7% increase over last year. According to fore­cast fig­ures, 60.7% of the glob­al pop­u­la­tion now has access to a mobile phone, up 20% from 2008. About 20% of the glob­al pop­u­la­tion has a smart­phone, up from just 1.5% in 2008.”

  • Perfect web typog­ra­phy with slab-serifs
    “However, there is a style of type that pro­duces the strong hor­i­zon­tal bars of text that ser­ifs excel at, whilst still enjoy­ing the high con­trast of sans-serifs: the Egyptian, or slab-serif.”
  • 7 Stylish iPad Cases With Notepads
    “If you’re an iPad own­er who still uses old school pen and paper, then an iPad case with a built-in notepad might be a use­ful tool. We have found sev­en excel­lent options offer­ing just that.”
  • Boost Your Creativity by Dimming the Lights
    German researchers con­duct­ed six exper­i­ments lead­ing to this the­sis. In one test, 114 under­grad­u­ates were giv­en four cre­ative insight prob­lems in groups with dif­fer­ing light lev­els (dim, office-level, and bright light). The results, Pacific Sta…
  • Obamacare Is An Entrepreneur’s Best Friend

    These groups and indi­vid­u­als either don’t know, or have for­got­ten, or are will­ful­ly mis­rep­re­sent­ing the real­i­ties of cre­at­ing a busi­ness and work­ing in one.

    There are untold mil­lions of would-be entre­pre­neurs in the U.S. hang­ing on, in qui­et des­per­a­tion, to dead­en­ing cor­po­rate jobs–because they can’t afford to leave. Millions who under­stand the cat­a­stroph­ic con­se­quences of bold­ly head­ing out to unchart­ed entre­pre­neur­ial ter­ri­to­ry… only to have some­one in the fam­i­ly devel­op a chron­ic ill­ness or life-threatening condition.”

  • Everything You Need to Know About the #Hashtag

    If you spend any amount of time on the inter­net, you’ve prob­a­bly seen peo­ple using words or phras­es with pound signs in front of them, #like #this. On Twitter, this is called a hashtag.”

  • The Ultimate Guide to Adjustment Layers – Gradient Map
    “Gradient Map is one of the least used Photoshop Adjustments. In this tuto­r­i­al, we will take a close look at the Gradient Map Adjustment and will explain every­thing you need to know about it.”



  • Check Spelling in Photoshop

    Among many oth­er use­ful fea­tures, Photoshop have and Spell Checker, don’t you know? Its not in Type menu because Check Spelling is not new option and is locat­ed under Edit > Check Spelling… What you need to know before using this com­mand is to select any lay­er in Layers pan­el oth­er­wise warn­ing pop-up mes­sage will appear with infor­ma­tion about pro­gram error. Note: The Check Spelling com­mand does not check spelling in hid­den or locked layers.”

  • 45 Free Sets of Adobe Illustrator Brushes

    While there are not as many free brush­es avail­able for Illustrator as there are for Photoshop, there are still some excel­lent, high-quality options. In this post we’ll look at 45 sets of brush­es in sev­er­al dif­fer­ent categories.”

  • Make Your Bridesmaids Happy: 5 Colors That Flatter | Color + Design Blog
    “Choosing brides­maids dress­es that your friends actu­al­ly like can be chal­leng­ing, and the col­or plays a big part in whether or not they’ll like the dress. But if you have a diverse group of friends, choos­ing a col­or that they all like and look …
  • Quick Fixes For Flowing Purposefully Through Your Workday
  • What is the Value of Design? The British Design Council can put fig­ures on it for design­ers and clients.

    The British Design Council has found that every £1 spent on design gives you over £20 in increased rev­enue, £4 increased prof­it and £5 in increased exports. A very nice and handy sta­tis­tic to be lib­er­al­ly used in your next dis­cus­sion with a busi­ness leader or deci­sion maker.

  • Adobe Updates Edge Tools with CSS Regions for Netter Responsive Design
    CSS Regions essen­tial­ly enables design­ers and devel­op­ers to decou­ple the pre­sen­ta­tion of con­tent from the con­tent itself. This should make it eas­i­er for web design­ers to cre­ate more com­plex respon­sive­ly designed websites.

    Within Edge Reflow yo…