Creative Community Bulletin 3 September 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Adobe Creative Cloud for the Indy Creative

    In my opin­ion, the most pow­er­ful aspect of Adobe Creative Cloud is that you basi­cal­ly have a mini-studio. CC offers full access to all of their soft­ware, as well as some extra addi­tions to pro­grams such as After Effects. For the inde­pen­dent cre­ative, it means being able to design (graph­ics, sto­ry­boards, style frames), orga­nize large port­fo­lios or cat­a­logs, shoot, edit video and audio, col­or grade, cre­ate visu­als effects, motion graph­ics and/or dig­i­tal mat­te paint­ings, work in 3D, and pub­lish to print, web or social media — all with­in their prod­uct line. Because you have com­plete access to all the soft­ware, it is an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn oth­er dis­ci­plines that enhance your work, even if it is not your main skill.”

  • Instagram Hotel Features Selfies and Digital Murals

    The name is an homage to 1888, the year Kodak launched the first box and roll cam­era — but it’s any­thing but retro.

    When you walk into the bou­tique hotel, you’re greet­ed by a revolv­ing dig­i­tal mur­al of Instagram images, and a self­ie space to snap a pho­to of your­self as you check in. More than 100 guest-shot Instagram pho­tos adorn the five-story space’s 90 rooms. Check out the hotel on Instagram under the #1888Hotel hash­tag to see what we’re talk­ing about.

  • Richard Branson on the Art of Brainstorming

    To think out­side the box, avoid get­ting into one. Many man­age­ment con­sul­tants sug­gest sched­ul­ing reg­u­lar brain­storm­ing ses­sions so that you and your team can “think out­side the box” or do some “blue-sky think­ing.” I hate those terms – being cre­ative should­n’t be con­fined to spe­cif­ic times in your day. You and your staff should try to be inno­v­a­tive in every aspect of your work, every day. But brain­storm­ing is great for when you get stuck and can’t find a solution.”

  • 6 Ways to Put the Good (Bad and Ugly) in Goodbye—Part II

    The orig­i­nal post last week seemed to hit a chord. So many of you gave pas­sion­ate com­ments that I thought I should high­light a few of the stories—the good, the bad and the ugly.

    Let’s start with the good. It seems that when a work good­bye is pos­i­tive it impacts everyone—not only the employ­ee, but their fam­i­ly and cer­tain­ly the co-workers they leave behind.”

  • King of Comics’ Jack Kirby’s Best Productivity Tricks for Artists

    Jack Kirby did a lot of work, and he did so pri­mar­i­ly through grit and per­se­ver­ance. Long days with low pay even­tu­al­ly let him to say “no” to a few con­tracts, but it taught him when it was impor­tant to walk away. He did a lot of work in the comics indus­try and he did the bulk of it under strict dead­lines that most of us would buck­le under. While there cer­tain­ly was­n’t a com­ic draw­ing degree any­where, he learned to draw on his own, and learned per­spec­tive and anato­my by just prac­tic­ing every day, which is some­thing we can all do when we’re look­ing to learn a new skill. 

  • Does your brain work like a dic­tio­nary? Researchers at the University of Quebec explore this question
    “As every word in a dic­tio­nary is defined in terms of oth­ers, the knowl­edge need­ed to under­stand the entire lex­i­con is there, as long as you first know the mean­ings of an ini­tial set of starter, or “ground­ing”, words. Harnad’s team rea­soned tha…
  • Introducing the Practical PDF Fix Form Utility – Fixes Forms Messed Up by OS X Preview
    “Apple still has­n’t done any­thing about the prob­lem, so users of Acrobat and Reader con­tin­ue to run into prob­lems where PDF forms are being filled out by users of Preview on Mac OS X and sent back to folks with Acrobat or Reader. Unfortunately,…
  • 25 Best Free Android Apps
    “Whether you’re an Android new­bie or a long­time user look­ing to boost your expe­ri­ence with­out break­ing the bank, one thing is cer­tain: You’re going to need some apps. Not sure where to start? Mashable has you covered.”
  • How greedy is Adobe’s Creative Cloud sub­scrip­tion? Not very | CNET News
    “While haters are hat­ing Adobe’s shift to subscription-only soft­ware, a price com­par­i­son shows plen­ty of cus­tomers won’t be gouged by the Cloud.”
  • 6 Ways to Put the ‘Good’ in Goodbye at Work

    Friends on Wall Street have told me hor­ror sto­ries of their calls to Human Resources. After being “made avail­able to the mar­ket” (a real com­ment from one HR per­son) they were then escort­ed out of the build­ing by a guard with a Glock on his belt. Nice.”