Creative Community Bulletin 30 August 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Typographic Design Detreatments Concisely Illustrator Words’ Meanings
    “Using the pow­er of typog­ra­phy, Indian graph­ic design­er Arun Raj illus­trat­ed and explained the mean­ing of dif­fer­ent words.”
  • 10 things Never to Do With Your Employees
    “The employer-employee rela­tion­ship can be a mine­field of dan­ger­ous faux pas. Avoid these 10 sit­u­a­tions to make sure you nev­er cross the line.”
  • A Step-by-Step Checklist for Planning Your Blog Posts
    “If you do lit­er­al­ly just write and hit Publish you are prob­a­bly miss­ing out on a trick. In real­i­ty there are a num­ber of actions you should take to make the most out of each post that you pub­lish, and with­out a check­list to fol­low you are prob…
  • Improve Your Facebook News Feed in Minutes with the “Organize” Tool
    “Facebook has an awful lot of noise, espe­cial­ly if you’re “friends” with peo­ple you don’t real­ly care about. If you want to clean up your News Feed, Facebook actu­al­ly has a handy tool to help you do just that.P

  • Graphic Design Can Jumpstart a Start-up Business
    “As graph­ic design­ers, what we can do for Start-ups is basi­cal­ly leapfrog that entire first part by mak­ing a brand new busi­ness look super pro­fes­sion­al from day one. To a Start-up, that is real­ly worth something.”
  • A Step-by-Step Checklist for Publishing Your Blog Posts

    Let me begin by ask­ing you a ques­tion: how many times have you been guilty of writ­ing a blog post, hit­ting Publish then sim­ply get­ting on with your day? This post is for you, because each post that doesn’t get a lit­tle post-publishing TLC will nev­er live up its full poten­tial. If you build it the peo­ple will not come — you need to build it and then take it to them.”

  • Formatting your Custom RSS Feed(s) for MailChimp

    Using MailChimp’s pow­er­ful set of merge tags for RSS feeds allows you to apply your brand’s cus­tom styling to your RSS inte­grat­ed con­tent mak­ing it eas­i­er than ever before to auto­mate your email mar­ket­ing efforts. There are how­ev­er a few guide­lines your lay­out should fall with­in in order to ensure prop­er import and styling of your feed content.”

  • Wacom outs Intuos Creative Stylus with revamped Bamboo Paper app in tow for iPad sketching
    “If you’re the type to dig­i­tal­ly doo­dle on the slate that you already own rather opt for a professional-grade unit, Wacom just announced its lat­est acces­so­ry for doing just that. ”
  • How To Use Instagram To Showcase Your Designs
    “While Instagram is usu­al­ly asso­ci­at­ed with pho­tos, it can be a great plat­form to dis­play and pro­mote your design work as well. Not only does Instagram have a size­able audi­ence (as of mid-2012, there were over 80 mil­lion reg­is­tered users), but …
  • Google+ for Business – The 3 Best Types of Google+ Content

    While many peo­ple find Facebook fol­low­ers enjoy sim­ple pho­tos and videos rather than text, on Google+ we’ve dis­cov­ered that peo­ple respond to posts that teach them some­thing. To our own sur­prise, posts with enter­tain­ing or appeal­ing images didn’t per­form as well as posts that pro­vid­ed new knowl­edge to our fol­low­ers. Be it infor­ma­tion on a prod­uct update, social media tips or new tools for learn­ing, Google+ users have clear­ly expressed their thirst for knowledge.

  • The Most Important Thing You Need to Know about Infographics

    If you’ve nev­er cre­at­ed an info­graph­ic and made it a part of your con­tent mar­ket­ing mix, I’m going to assume you were think­ing along same line as I was until about six months ago. They’re a big pain to do.

1 thought on “Creative Community Bulletin 30 August 2013

  1. Pingback: Creative Community Bulletin 30 August 2013 | Pariah S. Burke

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