Creative Community Bulletin 31 January 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Schedule Important Work at 5pm for Maximum Concentration
    “Whether it’s that vital phone call or the big prob­lem of the day, tack­le that impor­tant task at the end of the day, espe­cial­ly around 5pm, because your body is primed to con­cen­trate best at that time, says Fast Company.”
  • UK Government to Switch from Microsoft Office to Open Source Alternative Office Suite
    “Cabinet Office min­is­ter Francis Maude plans to stan­dard­ise on open for­mats to cut costs on Office suite and break ‘oli­gop­oly’ of IT suppliers”
  • UK Government to Switch from Microsoft Office to Open Source Alternative Office Suite
    “Cabinet Office min­is­ter Francis Maude plans to stan­dard­ise on open for­mats to cut costs on Office suite and break ‘oli­gop­oly’ of IT suppliers”
  • UK Government to Switch from Microsoft Office to Open Source Alternative Office Suite
    “Cabinet Office min­is­ter Francis Maude plans to stan­dard­ise on open for­mats to cut costs on Office suite and break ‘oli­gop­oly’ of IT suppliers”
  • NursingJobs​.us redesigns with­out IE7 sup­port, offers to buy new com­put­ers for cus­tomers stuck with IE7 (via @vlh)

    Wayne Gretzky once said “skate where the puck is going, not where it’s been” and, in the fast-evolving world of tech­nol­o­gy, this is sound advice that we have tak­en to heart as we launched the new NursingJobs​.us job board. The new site uses a more mod­ern inter­face that sup­ports the mobiles and tablets that our users increas­ing­ly prefer.”

  • Why Weird People Are Often More Creative

    When Albert Einstein came across a cig­a­rette butt, he would often pick it up–fuel for the ol’ tobac­co pipe. When Charles Dickens walked around London, he would often be wield­ing his umbrella–the best defense for imag­i­nary street urchins. When Björk goes to an awards show, she might dress like a swan–what could be more genius? Or beau­ti­ful? Or weird?”

  • Print is Not Dead Yet — Typefi CEO Chandi Perera

    One of the ear­li­est cita­tions of the phrase “print is dead” comes from the 1984 movie Ghostbusters, but almost 30 years lat­er, print is cer­tain­ly not dead. Print pub­lish­ing still dri­ves on aver­age 80% of rev­enues and close to 100% of the prof­its for gen­er­al trade pub­lish­ers. But among ref­er­ence and sci­ence, tech­ni­cal and med­ical (STM) pub­lish­ers, dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing was embraced quick­ly and open­ly at the expense of print. ”

  • How to write a pro­fes­sion­al bio for LinkedIn, Twitter & more

    A great bio dis­plays your per­son­al­i­ty and pro­fes­sion­al­ism year-round, and it’s also a quick and easy way for you to gar­ner inter­est from poten­tial employ­ers, bring­ing you one step clos­er to the job of your dreams. Here are the most impor­tant things you need to know when writ­ing dif­fer­ent types of pro­fes­sion­al bios.”

  • The Classic Bic Pen Now Works On Your Smartphone Display Too
    “Writing imple­ments aren’t going to be sup­plant­ed by touch­screen devices any­time soon. But that isn’t stop­ping Bic from hedg­ing its bets and ensur­ing its clas­sic see-through plas­tic pens remain rel­e­vant. The com­pa­ny’s new Cristal Stylus feature…
  • Stand Out by Building Your Strengths, Rather Than Fixing Every Flaw
    “When it comes to self-improvement, there’s a ten­den­cy to focus on things you don’t do well. That’s a never-ending bat­tle, though. Instead, focus your time on the defin­ing, unique skills you possess.”
  • Creative Illustrator Sees Life In Everyday Street Objects

    Most of us rush through our every­day lives with­out notic­ing the beau­ti­ful things around us. Dutch illus­tra­tor Tineke Meirink offers a cre­ative and play­ful way of engag­ing with our sur­round­ings – just stop and watch, she says. Her blog “Stop:Watch” tick­les the imag­i­na­tion with a col­lec­tion of sim­ple street objects that she has giv­en life to by adding a min­i­mal dig­i­tal illustration.”