Creative Community Bulletin 6 November 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Why Every Parent Needs To Know About Text Bombs
    What I did­n’t real­ize at the time was that my son and this boy were prac­tic­ing a prim­i­tive form of text bomb­ing, a cyber bul­ly­ing tech­nique that has blos­somed because of apps that enable you to tor­ment your tar­get with up to 10,000 text message…
  • Gale Launches New Purchase Model for Ebooks #eprd­ctn
    “Gale, part of Cengage Learning and a pub­lish­er of research and ref­er­ence resources for libraries, schools and busi­ness­es, announced a new pur­chase option – a Usage-Driven Acquisition (UDA) mod­el – for its Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) …
  • Frenzy Is a Private, Dropbox-Powered Social Network
    Frenzy uses Dropbox to store your feed, and you invite friends to par­tic­i­pate in that feed. So, once it’s installed, you sim­ply share the fold­er with friends through Dropbox, then once they down­load it they can start par­tic­i­pat­ing in the feed. …
  • Top 15 Free Symbol Fonts
    “Zapf Dingbats is not the only sym­bol font. Check out these 15 alter­na­tives that will pro­pel you to pic­togram paradise…

  • Design-Based Media Queries

    I’ll dis­cuss the idea of design-based media queries (as opposed to the more preva­lent way of bas­ing our media queries on com­mon mobile devices). This approach to respon­sive web design could help us make our sites as future-proof and device-agnostic as possible.

  • What’s hold­ing back VFX work in the cloud?
    Online ren­der­ing and col­lab­o­ra­tion is already a part of CAD pipelines. But will 2013 be the year the cloud final­ly breaks the mould?



  • Amazon MatchBook Seems To Be A Mismatch
    “Now you can buy Kindle ver­sions of pre­vi­ous­ly pur­chased books from Amazon at dis­count­ed rates. But the new pro­gram may have some gaps in the collection.”
  • Responsive HTML Emails: a Different Strategy

    Media query sup­port can pret­ty much be tak­en for grant­ed in desk­top browsers, but it remains unknown to many email clients today. One of the most pop­u­lar mobile email clients is the Gmail app for Android and iPhone, and it remains a staunch non-attendee of the media query par­ty. Without media queries to detect device size and recon­fig­ure the lay­out accord­ing­ly, users could be stuck squint­ing at some­thing like this:”

  • 29th Street Publishing Remakes iPad Magazines

    Check out some screen­shots of one of the first iPad-native pub­lish­ing tools – and a Q&A with one of its founders.”

  • 14 Facebook Tools You Didn’t Know Existed
    You know all about Facebook’s basic tools. You can post sta­tus­es and share arti­cles with the best of ’em. But how often do you check your Activity Log? What is the Browse tool for?
  • How Social Analytics Goes Beyond Marketing To Save Lives
    “New Poptip social tool can ana­lyze break­ing events and sto­ry evo­lu­tion to help media and first respon­ders track emer­gen­cies on Twitter.”
  • Evernote’s Guide To Making Startup Schwag

    Evernote has start­ed sell­ing home office and lifestyle prod­ucts as a new source of rev­enue. Here’s the secret to choos­ing the right stuff.

  • Teens To Facebook: “Okay, Bye!”
    “Facebook final­ly admit­ted what many peo­ple have long pre­dict­ed, and what CEO Mark Zuckerberg denied this sum­mer: Facebook is los­ing its cool with teens.”
  • Subcompact Publishing — A Year Later

    Now — open the sky and dump down upon that table all the dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing tools we have. Let rain down the infra­struc­ture and typog­ra­phy, the plat­forms and devices. Separate them into their small­est com­po­nents. Spread them out evenly.

  • Amazing Patterns From Rule By Art
    RuleByArt pro­vides design­ers with some of the high­est qual­i­ty dig­i­tal art resources. As design­ers, they hold them­selves to very high stan­dards in cre­at­ing their work both by hand and on the com­put­er. Check out some of their cre­ative pat­terns, g…