Creative Community Bulletin 6 September 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • One Bank or Many: Where Should I Keep My Accounts?

    But as your finan­cial life changes, the one-size-fits-all approach may no longer suit you. In fact, depend­ing on your mon­ey needs, there are also a few good rea­sons you may want to open accounts at more than one bank—and a vari­ety of fac­tors that go into choos­ing the right one for you.P

  • The 3 Steps to Success at Anything

    Many seek the sim­ple for­mu­la for suc­cess. That’s true of con­tent mar­ket­ing, culi­nary mas­tery, improv­ing your golf game, and with life in general.

  • How to Remove People From Your Travel Photos Using Photoshop

    When you load these pho­tos into Photoshop the script works by iden­ti­fy­ing iden­ti­cal areas (the sta­t­ic back­ground) and removes every­thing that changes between shots (the mov­ing peo­ple). As long as the peo­ple in your pho­tos are mov­ing around enough, you’ll be able to stack all the images togeth­er and end up with the fol­low­ing (click to enlarge): 

  • CloudConvert Converts Almost Any File Type Between Formats
    Converting files between for­mats is nev­er a fun thing to do. When you’re work­ing on dif­fer­ent sys­tems, it’s a pain to do, and you often need a ton of soft­ware. CloudConvert is a web app that can con­vert 140 dif­fer­ent file types.P

  • Adobe PDF Print Engine 3: The Next Step in Digital Printing Efficiency

    Sherburne and Zwang have spent time with Adobe review­ing this announce­ment and dis­cussing its poten­tial impact on the mar­ket. And it is an impor­tant top­ic con­sid­er­ing that, accord­ing to Adobe, and cit­ed in an IDC white paper pro­vid­ed to WhatTheyThink by Adobe, more than 90,000 sys­tems around the globe are based on the Adobe PDF Print Engine and are used in live pro­duc­tion. IDC states, “This lat­est release demon­strates Adobe’s ongo­ing inno­va­tion and lead­er­ship in print, which goes back to its found­ing in 1984.” APPE has been imple­ment­ed across var­i­ous indus­try seg­ments, includ­ing CTP, dig­i­tal press­es and large for­mat printers.

  • Why does ‘lit­er­al­ly’ also mean ‘fig­u­ra­tive­ly’? @dictionarycom tries to make sense of it.

    Recently the word­smiths of the United States have availed them­selves once again to descry the fig­u­ra­tive use of the word lit­er­al­ly. This par­tic­u­lar spate of analy­sis finds its ori­gins in a Reddit post titled, “We did it guys, we final­ly killed English,” which fea­tured an image of Google’s def­i­n­i­tion for the word. Since that pop­u­lar post, jour­nal­ists and lan­guage experts have added their voic­es to the louden­ing din. The Reddit poster puts the blame for killing English on all of us, the liv­ing, but in the wake of pub­lic out­rage, lan­guage experts have point­ed out that this sense of lit­er­al­ly is noth­ing new.”

  • Square Launches Code Camp To Get High School Girls Into Programming
  • 13 Gmail Plugins You Should Try Right Now

    There is no deny­ing the pow­er of Gmail. And armed with a hand­ful of exten­sions and add-on ser­vices, you can real­ly turn Gmail into the ulti­mate email­ing pow­er­house. From enhanc­ing and tidy­ing your con­tacts list, to imple­ment­ing an elab­o­rate pro­duc­tiv­i­ty sys­tem in your inbox, almost anything’s pos­si­ble. You just need to know how.

    And because of Gmail’s pop­u­lar­i­ty, the list con­tin­ues to grow, diver­si­fy, giv­ing users count­less new ways to make the ser­vice even more use­ful. Here’s a look at some of the tools you can use to enhance your Gmail experience.

  • The Design Decisions Behind the New Yahoo! Logo

    We hadn’t updat­ed our logo in 18 years. Our brand, as rep­re­sent­ed by the logo, has been val­ued at as much as ~$10 bil­lion dol­lars. So, while it was time for a change, it’s not some­thing we could do lightly.”

  • How to Use the Internet to Actually Meet People in Real Life
    We use the inter­net to con­nect with oth­ers all over the world, but what about peo­ple right in our back­yard? Technology tends to insu­late us if we don’t take mea­sures to coun­ter­act it, and we can become bad neigh­bors as a result. A few apps and …
  • 1 In 5 Tweets Geotagged With Your Location. This Site Shows What You’re (Inadvertently) Sharing
  • How to Make 2D Pics Look Like 3D Objects Using This Optical Illusion Camera Trick
    All you need to do is take a pic­ture of the Rubik’s Cube (or oth­er sim­i­lar 3D-centric sub­ject) and some­thing beside it for ref­er­ence, as brusspup does in the video below. Then print it out, put it down on a table, and slap some­thing on top of i…
  • E‑Books Could Be The Future Of Social Media #eprd­ctn
    In the future, e‑books will act just like social net­works. We’ll use them on our phones, share and com­ment right inside e‑reader apps, and pub­lish­ers will use our data to help them make bet­ter mar­ket­ing deci­sions. If you think dig­i­tal read­ing i…