Design Business Links 10 April 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Android Is For Poor People: Maps
    “The rich, it seems, use iPhones while the poor tweet from Androids.

  • Beautiful Typography Made Out of Cola

    We’re cur­rent­ly in pop heav­en over this cola typog­ra­phy from Irina Tischenko. It’s fresh, fun, and cool … as soda should be. Drink it up. ”

  • 9 Unique Ways to Use the Cloud for Business Big and Small

    The cloud holds inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for near­ly every busi­ness sce­nario, and I sus­pect that right this very sec­ond, devel­op­ers are busi­ly work­ing on new appli­ca­tions and solu­tions to prob­lems we haven’t even encoun­tered yet.

  • Interview Questions You Shouldn’t Answer

    “It can be very easy for inter­view­ers to cross the line and ask ques­tions that are inap­pro­pri­ate, and in many cas­es even ille­gal,” he says. “I believe that ask­ing those ques­tions in most cas­es [is] not done on pur­pose, but [rather] because of a lack of train­ing and aware­ness, or even to break the ice and cre­ate a more friend­ly atmosphere.””

  • 16 Children And Their Bedrooms From Across The World. This Will Open Your Eyes.

    Some kids grow up in pover­ty, lack­ing food and san­i­ta­tion, while oth­ers are born in coun­tries where basic neces­si­ties are tak­en for grant­ed. Photographer James Mollison came up with the project when he thought about his own child­hood bed­room and how it reflect­ed who he was. Where Children Sleep – a col­lec­tion of sto­ries about chil­dren from around the world told through por­traits of their bed­rooms – stemmed from his ideas.

  • Font-To-Width Script Fits Type to Containers for Web Design

    Font‑To‑Width (FTW!) is a script by Nick Sherman and Chris Lewis that takes advan­tage of large type fam­i­lies to fit pieces of text snug­ly with­in their con­tain­ers. Unlike oth­er text-fitting tools like FitText.js, Font‑To‑Width does not scale the font-size (at least not by default). Instead, it choos­es a width or weight vari­ant accord­ing to what fits best, and then allows for letter- and word-spacing adjust­ments as needed.”

  • Why don’t design­ers take Android seriously?

    If you’ve talked to me in the past few months, you’ll have heard me explain that I think Android is the dom­i­nant plat­form of the next decade. There are two main reasons.

  • Sitting is Killing You, So We Tried a Treadmill Desk
    “Some of my co-workers spent an entire day work­ing on the tread­mill desk. How hard is it to walk and work at the same time? Watch the video to find out.

  • Comic Neue … The Aesthete’s Comic Sans (and Free)

    I firm­ly believe that Comic Sans isn’t bad; it’s just drawn that way. Vincent Connaré had no idea that when he com­posed that font for use in Microsoft BOB that it would become the most lev­el­ling influ­ence in the visu­al arts since Helvetica.

    No insult meant to either, there.

    But since then the world seems betimes swim­ming in inap­pro­pri­ate uses of Comic Sans. I’m sure, on some nuclear reac­tor near­ing EOL some­where, there’s a sign read­ing EMERGENCY REACTOR SCRAM writ­ten in Comic Sans – either through irony or sim­ply lack-of-awareness, who can say … and real­ly, does it matter?

  • The Z‑Axis: Designing for the Future

    For years we’ve thought about the web as a two-dimensional space filled with pages that sit side by side on a flat, infi­nite plane. But as the devices we design for take on an increas­ing­ly diverse array of shapes and sizes, we should embrace new ways of design­ing up and down. By build­ing inter­faces using a sys­tem of lay­ers, we solve tricky design prob­lems, flex­i­bly adapt to a vari­ety of screens, and cre­ate new pat­terns that will point the way to future interactions.