Design Business Links 9 April 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Checkboxes and radio but­tons cus­tomiza­tion (jQuery and Zepto) plugin


  • Garamond v Garamond | Physiology of a typeface
    “By back­wards, the accom­plished work of hun­dreds of crafts­men of alpha­bet­ic forms who have strived for cen­turies to bet­ter writ­ing and its leg­i­bil­i­ty. We then have two schools of thought, two meth­ods of approach­ing typo­graph­ic cri­tique, and one…
  • Typography rules and terms that every design­er must know
    “Every design­er needs to under­stand typog­ra­phy. We explain the fun­da­men­tal con­cepts and ter­mi­nol­o­gy in words that you can understand.

  • The Museum of Forgotten Art Supplies

    Welcome, artists and afi­ciona­dos alike, to the brand new home of The Museum of Forgotten Art Supplies, where tools of the trade that have died or have just about died a slow death are cheer­ful­ly exhib­it­ed — as well as those that per­haps don’t get invit­ed out to din­ner as much as they used to!

    The Museum now fea­tures more fun than you deserve, and, of course, over 500 images of art sup­ply arti­facts, all con­tributed by vis­i­tors like you! As always, your com­ments are appre­ci­at­ed and most welcome.”

  • Man uses Twitter account to trick English town into believ­ing he’s the mayor


  • 6 Super-Useful Chrome Extensions for Web and UI Designers

    Today we’re going to look at some of the most use­ful Chrome exten­sions for design­ers. I am not writ­ing about the Web Developer and Firebug add-ons that are emblem­at­ic for Firefox as they’ve been well cov­ered elsewhere.

    I’m also going to avoid the add-ons I reviewed in the 6 Great Firefox Extensions for Designers arti­cle, too. Not all of them are avail­able for Chrome, but the ones that do include are: ColorZilla, YSlow, Open With (only Firefox and no Mac OS version).”

  • Artist rents bill­boards to pub­licly shame tex­ting dri­vers in San Francisco
    “Brian Singer, a San Francisco-based design­er and employ­ee at a well-known social media com­pa­ny, decid­ed to take the prob­lem into his own hands, and cre­at­ed his own anti-texting cam­paign. The web­site Texting While in Traffic (TWIT) hosts photos…
  • More Trademark Overreaching: Google Tries to Trademark the Word “Glass”, Fails #IP #TM

    Google, which has suc­cess­ful­ly trade­marked the term “Google Glass,” sub­mit­ted an appli­ca­tion last year for a trade­mark on just the sin­gle word “Glass,” dis­played with the same futur­is­tic font used in its mar­ket­ing cam­paign. But the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is hold­ing up the company’s bid.

  • How To Filter Your Gmail Like a Pro
    “While some of the fil­ters are very straight­for­ward, below you’ll see sev­er­al tips and tricks to on how to fil­ter your mes­sages like a pro.