Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 1 April 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • The Alphabet Poster Project
    The Ryman Eco ini­tia­tive aims to encour­age design com­mu­ni­ty to adopt world’s most beau­ti­ful sus­tain­able font. 

    The Alphabet Poster Project sees 26 handpicked typographers, designers and art directors each creating a unique poster featuring one letter from the Ryman Eco Alphabet.


  • A Simple Trick for Optimizing SVG Files
    One way to shave off a few extra bytes from a web page is to opti­mize SVG files.Tags: SVG Vector WebDesign
  • 6 Short Books for Graphic Designers

    These books are by no means the be all, end all to Design relat­ed books so I encour­age you to post some of your favorite books in the com­ments sec­tion below. As either a fel­low “Design Book Fanatic” like myself, or a some­one who real­ly just doesn’t read much at all, I hope this short but extreme­ly awe­some list gets you start­ed. Without fur­ther ado, I give you 6 of my favorite short design relat­ed books. Why only 6 you ask? Well, I like even numbers.


  • How to Create Unforgettable Interface Copy
    A well designed inter­face needs an equal­ly ele­gant voice. Jerry talks about the ele­ments that make for great inter­face copy.Tags: UI UX copywriting
  • Fiction University: The Dark Side of Digital

    The entire pub­lish­ing indus­try, from pub­lish­ers through to agents, is going to base more and more of its acqui­si­tion, edi­to­r­i­al, and mar­ket­ing deci­sions on Big Data (I call this The Hollywood Syndrome, and have writ­ten about it on my blog2). If, for instance, it turns out that books in which the vil­lain has a cat enjoy a high­er fin­ish rate, trad pubbed authors are going to come under a lot of pres­sure to make their vil­lains ailurophiles.


  • This Swedish pow­er plant will warm hearts with rainbows
    This is the lat­est exam­ple we’ve seen of Northern Europe act­ing like its liv­ing 15 years in the future: a gor­geous bio­mass pow­er plant encased in a rainbow-colored geo­des­ic dome. The project was…Tags: inspiration
  • 5 Small Changes You Can Make to Be Way More Productive
    But we can all work smarter, too. And clear­ly we all want to.Tags: Productivity timemgmt