Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 1 January 2016

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • A Freelancer’s Guide to Planning for and Buying a Home

    The good news is, it’s still 100% pos­si­ble for you as a free­lancer to buy a home, espe­cial­ly if you start think­ing about it now.


  • The Dark Side of Creativity
    The path to new ideas is often a tur­bu­lent one.Tags: Design Business
  • The Second Leap: How to Go from Lone Freelancer to Full-Fledged Entrepreneur
    You’ve been free­lanc­ing for a few years now. Perhaps busi­ness is boom­ing and you’re con­sid­er­ing hir­ing help. Or you’re tired of work­ing “for oth­ers” and see your­self as more than a lone gun for hire. You may not have much cap­i­tal or a 10-year busi­ness plan, but the evo­lu­tion from free­lanc­ing to small busi­ness feels like the nat­ur­al progression.


  • Drawing Vector Graphics [Video Course]
    Join pro­fes­sion­al illus­tra­tive design­er Von Glitschka as he shares his expe­ri­ence on how to research, sketch, build, and present vec­tor graphics.Tags: Vector Illustrator
  • Create a Glowing 3D Text Effect With Filter Forge and Photoshop

    In this tuto­r­i­al, we will show you how to com­bine Photoshop with Filter Forge to cre­ate a glow­ing 3D text effect. We will begin by show­ing you how to cre­ate basic shapes in Photoshop, we’ll then show you how to con­vert them to 3D, and final­ly how to add the final touch­es using Filter Forge and a few of Photoshop’s basic fea­tures. Let’s get started!


  • An Illustrated History of American Money Design
    It’s not just paper. From the first notes issued by the Continental Congress to the lat­est star-spangled bills released by the Federal Reserve, the his­to­ry of mon­ey in America is laced with rebel­lion, pro­pa­gan­da, and—of course—lots and lots of wealth. It’s awk­ward­ly beautiful.


  • The 7 Rules of Personal Productivity
    It does­n’t take fil­ing sys­tems, orga­ni­za­tion or dai­ly plans to run a suc­cess­ful busi­ness. Read on to learn what real­ly works – then do it!

    As unpro­duc­tive as I am, at least by all the pop­u­lar notions of the day, I’ve some­how man­aged to accom­plish every­thing I set out to do and have a good time doing it. I have sev­en rules that keep me on track.


  • How 3 Friends Turned a Creative Idea Into a Very Successful Business
    Three cre­atives set up their own com­pa­ny to pro­duce super-personalised illus­trat­ed books – and have sold 650,000 copies to date. As their sec­ond book is released, they reveal the secrets to their success.


  • Psychologists: Nice People More Likely to Follow Orders Like Nazis?
    What researchers dis­cov­ered was sur­pris­ing: Those who are described as “agree­able, con­sci­en­tious per­son­al­i­ties” are more like­ly to fol­low orders and deliv­er elec­tric shocks that they believe can harm inno­cent peo­ple, while “more con­trar­i­an, less agree…