Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 10 June 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • More Software is Going Subscription. Good News for Consumers Like You and Me

    This isn’t the same world, with the same indi­vid­ual person’s soft­ware needs, as it was 20 years ago. Users needs have changed, and soft­ware com­pa­nies are try­ing to keep up with us, not the oth­er way around.

    Subscriptions aren’t right for every prod­uct, for every per­son, but a sub­scrip­tion mod­el for the right prod­uct, for the per­son will­ing to set aside his fears and give the mod­el a fair and hon­est try, offers many advantages.

  • Are We Managing Our To-Do Lists All Wrong?

    One night, while writ­ing down my to-do list for the next day, a thought occurred to me…

    Why do I always push cer­tain tasks to the back of the list while pre­fer­ring to pro­mote oth­ers to the top?

  • Are We Managing Our To-Do Lists All Wrong?

    One night, while writ­ing down my to-do list for the next day, a thought occurred to me…

    Why do I always push cer­tain tasks to the back of the list while pre­fer­ring to pro­mote oth­ers to the top?

  • 16 Routines of Successful Creative People [Infographic]

    How many hours of sleep do you think Mozart and Beethoven got every night? How did Charles Dickens’ rou­tine help him stay cre­ative­ly fresh? If you’re try­ing to stay cre­ative, per­haps you should adopt one of these dai­ly habits.

  • Symbolism in Mobile and Web Design and its Impact on Users’ Perception

    Symbols affect reader’s per­cep­tion much more than plain text, so they are wide­ly used by design­ers. Nowadays it’s impos­si­ble to find a sin­gle web­site with­out sym­bols. They are every­where! And it doesn’t mat­ter what kind of site it is:

  • How to Recycle Anything and Save the Planet
    An A‑to‑Z guide of what can be tossed into which bin.
  • The 10 Commandments of Color Theory [INFOGRAPHIC]
    It talks about the psy­cho­log­i­cal impact dif­fer­ent col­ors inflict upon us and lays down the sev­er­al tech­ni­cal ele­ments of the col­or wheel. It pro­vides to you an under­stand­ing of the dif­fer­ent fea­tures of a col­or spec­trum like the dif­fer­ent hues,…
  • Write. It. Down. That’s the Way to Recall

    What hap­pens when the con­fer­ence or meet­ing is over and you can’t recall the impor­tant bits of infor­ma­tion you want­ed to remem­ber? A new study from Princeton University and the University of California shows that, to avoid such a sit­u­a­tion, you should take notes with good old fash­ioned pen and paper, rather than on your lap­top or iPad (or rely­ing sole­ly on mem­o­ry). Over on The American Scholar, Jessica Love explains a the­o­ry why this is the case:

  • The Complete Guide To Featured Thumbnails And Image Sizes In WordPress

    A pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words – unless it’s been resized inap­pro­pri­ate­ly, in which case it’s worth neg­a­tive one-hundred words. Okay – so maybe that’s a less­er known ver­sion of an old say­ing or some­thing I just made up, but the point is: WordPress is very pow­er­ful when it comes to thumb­nails and image sizes – you just need to know how to deal with them. Read on for every­thing you need to know about image sizes in WordPress and man­ag­ing fea­tured images.

  • The Art & Science of Great Website Color Selection

    In this arti­cle, we’ll break down the col­or selec­tion top­ic into three parts.

    We’ll begin by look­ing at some col­ors that indeed are hard-wired into our psy­che (there’s not many of them) and then move on to dis­cuss cul­tur­al and his­tor­i­cal influ­ences of color. 

  • Legally Photographing on Private Property & Getting The Most Out Of It!

    So what do you do if you find a loca­tion that is pri­vate you MUST have it – do your research and pro­fes­sion­al due dili­gence. Just like any­thing else in busi­ness, it is impor­tant that all respon­si­bil­i­ties and lia­bil­i­ty are out­lined in writ­ten agreements. 

    Approaching a pri­vate prop­er­ty own­er can be daunt­ing, espe­cial­ly if not equipped with a script or writ­ten agree­ment. Here’s some legal and busi­ness tips to reduce that anx­i­ety and achieve use of the prop­er­ty you desire!