Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 10 March 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Why Your Brand Needs to Get Visual
    Today in media, every­where we look we are see­ing a shift to visu­al – includ­ing pho­tos, info­graph­ics, illus­tra­tions, slideshows, memes, videos, and any oth­er imagery that can be engaged with and shared. With more images and few­er words, visu­al con­tent is the per­fect answer for our busy sched­ules and hyper-engaged lives. Businesses look­ing to make an impact in today’s world should embrace this shift and the advan­tage that visu­als pro­vide to be seen and heard — quick­ly, clear­ly, and powerfully.


  • Realmac tells us how it built the best Markdown edi­tor for Mac

    Realmac Software has been school­ing devel­op­ers on how to make great apps since 2002. So when they brought Typed to OS X back in December, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. Two months on, I’m con­vinced it’s the best Markdown edi­tor you can get on the Mac, so I spoke with Realmac founder Dan Counsell to find out how he and his team built it.


  • Realmac tells us how it built the best Markdown edi­tor for Mac

    Realmac Software has been school­ing devel­op­ers on how to make great apps since 2002. So when they brought Typed to OS X back in December, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. Two months on, I’m con­vinced it’s the best Markdown edi­tor you can get on the Mac, so I spoke with Realmac founder Dan Counsell to find out how he and his team built it.


  • The FBI’s Top Hostage Negotiator Teaches You How To Lower Your Bills
    Former FBI lead inter­na­tion­al hostage nego­tia­tor Chris Voss teach­es you how to low­er your bills with your cable com­pa­ny or oth­er ser­vice provider.
  • Yes, LinkedIn Can Help Freelancers Make Money. Here’s How
    To many free­lancers, LinkedIn is intim­i­dat­ing because the gen­er­al tone is a lot less per­son­able com­pared to oth­er social net­works. However, for those who know where and how to look, LinkedIn can be a gold­mine of free­lance possibilities.Tags: Freelance…
  • 5 Things People Reading Your Resume Wish You Knew

    That said, I can almost guar­an­tee you that the way your career coun­selor han­dles your resume is not the way it will be han­dled once you sub­mit your job appli­ca­tions. After speak­ing with many, many recruiters, here are some hard truths I’ve learned.


  • How to Move your Creative Business from ‘Time Poor’ to ‘Time Rich’, with One Daily Action

    I’ve spent the last 5+ years work­ing with cre­ative free­lancers to build a suc­cess­ful busi­ness. Two of the most pop­u­lar rea­sons peo­ple have for mak­ing the leap to free­lance are:

  • How to Add Nicknames (And Other Names) to Your Facebook Profile

    Luckily, you can add anoth­er name, such as a nick­name, pseu­do­nym, maid­en name, and oth­ers to your account, which (if you want) will be dis­played at the top of your account in paren­the­sis next to your “real life” name.


  • Monkey Business [fun­ny video] Fast and easy pro­cure­ment cycles with Creative Cloud for Teams
    Fast and easy pro­cure­ment cycles – sign up and start using Creative Cloud for teams in minutesTags: CreativeCloud Adobe Enterprise
  • Why We’re Choosing Self-Publishing Now
    During this process, though, it became increas­ing­ly clear that our pub­lish­er would nev­er give up print. She had stopped resem­bling a self-pub and seemed now to have more in com­mon with tra­di­tion­al pub­lish­ers, try­ing to wring the last nick­el from a for…