Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 11 December 2014

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • These pro­gram­ming skills will earn you the most money

    We looked at data, com­piled by Burning Glass with Brookings Institution econ­o­mist Jonathan Rothwell in July, from thou­sands of American job ads. We sep­a­rat­ed out pro­gram­ming lan­guages from a broad­er list of tech skills we looked at in an ear­li­er piece. 

  • Turn Gmail Into A Trello-Like Task Board With Sortd
    In the mod­ern work­force, your email often turns into your task list. Trello is a great app to organ­ise your tasks. Well, now you can get the same sort of organ­i­sa­tion right in Gmail with a new Chrome exten­sion, Sortd.
  • 5 Basic Principles Of Graphic Design You Take For Granted Everyday

    Whether you’re design­ing a logo, an event announce­ment, a social net­work ban­ner, a let­ter­head, or an email newslet­ter; you absolute­ly need to know five basic prin­ci­ples of graph­ic design. Graphic design­er and best sell­ing author Robin Williams explains these prin­ci­ples in her clas­sic book, The Non-Designer’s Design Book.
    Today we will be pro­vid­ing an overview of these prin­ci­ples using a few con­tem­po­rary examples.

  • Which Graphic Design Career Is Right For You?

    Have you ever thought that a career in graph­ic design would be per­fect for you? There’s a lot of dif­fer­ent things you can do with­in the graph­ic design field, and the pay between them can vary wild­ly. How are you to decide? 

  • 40 Excellent Photo Manipulation Tutorials
    Are you look­ing for some amaz­ing pho­to manip­u­la­tion tuto­ri­als for Adobe Photoshop? Well, if your answer is yes, then you are lucky enough to land on the right page. In this round up, we are pre­sent­ing 40 most recent Photoshop tuto­ri­als on photo…