Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 12 December 2014

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • How To Make Windows Fonts Look Like Mac Fonts

    If you’ve ever want­ed the beau­ti­ful font smooth­ing of Mac and Linux on Windows, then you’re in luck. There are two free pro­grams that will replace DirectWrite with FreeType, result­ing in clean­er, sleek­er font graphics. 

  • Designers: Why You Need A Mentor

    These can be rela­tion­ships that last for a short peri­od of months or years – or they can last for a life­time. The bot­tom line is, if you’re a pro­fes­sion­al design­er, you will need your own men­tor at some point. Let’s explore some of the rea­sons why every design­er needs to find a men­tor of their own.

  • Designers: Why You Need A Mentor

    These can be rela­tion­ships that last for a short peri­od of months or years – or they can last for a life­time. The bot­tom line is, if you’re a pro­fes­sion­al design­er, you will need your own men­tor at some point. Let’s explore some of the rea­sons why every design­er needs to find a men­tor of their own.

  • Creating The Avengers Text Effect With Illustrator & Photoshop

    In today’s tuto­r­i­al we are going to re-create text effect used in the com­ic (also an upcom­ing movie)- The Avengers, to make our­selves feel like we are actu­al­ly also a hero, at least a Illustrator/Photoshop hero :)

  • Designers should read Slim by design: Menu strate­gies for pro­mot­ing high-margin, healthy foods
    Recent lab and field research in con­sumer psy­chol­o­gy and behav­ioral eco­nom­ics offer promis­ing solu­tions that respon­si­ble restau­rants can use to prof­itably guide their cus­tomers to health­i­er deci­sions by using the three-step menu engi­neer­ing pro…
  • How to Merge Folders on Mac OS X Without Losing All Your Files (Seriously)

    There’s a hid­den merge option in the Finder, but it only works some­times. Apple also includes a ter­mi­nal com­mand to merge fold­ers a dif­fer­ent way. If you’re a Windows or Linux user using OS X, this is pret­ty jarring.