Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 14 September 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Be a bet­ter read­er to be a bet­ter writer
    A sim­ple writ­ing truth is that to be a great writer, you must be a great read­er. To ful­ly absorb the author’s artistry, ana­lyze the sto­ries you read to under­stand how the writ­ers craft­ed them. How did the author engage you as a read­er? What was sat­is­fy­ing about the sto­ry? What craft ele­ments stood out…


  • All About Literary Agents

    Okay, maybe not all about agents. I’m not sure I can fit twenty-two years of expe­ri­ence into a sin­gle arti­cle, but I’m going to do my best to boil down what you need to know about agents, what to expect and how best to max­i­mize your expe­ri­ence. Sound good? Great, then let’s begin.

  • iA Writer, the pop­u­lar iOS/Mac app for focused writ­ing, launch­es on Android
    iA Writer, one of the best and most pop­u­lar iPhone, iPad and Mac appli­ca­tions for distraction-free writ­ing on the go, has been port­ed to Android and is now


  • An alter­na­tive to the new Verizon logo
    On first impres­sion, the logo is indeed much more visu­al­ly appeal­ing than Pentagram’s logo. When you ana­lyze it a bit, I don’t think it works out as well.


  • The 4 Most Effective Book Marketing Strategies That Work
    Unless you are a genius and your work is the best book ever in the his­to­ry of the entire world (and if you think it is, you need a les­son in humil­i­ty), you need to mar­ket your work. Trouble is, most writ­ers have absolute­ly no idea where to start. Here’s just a quick smat­ter­ing of the ques­tions I receive in a giv­en week:


  • 50 Genius Print Ads With Brilliant Design Techniques
    Take your cue from the con­cept and design ideas that made these print adver­tise­ments unforgettable.Tags: Design print ad marketing
  • How Apple Pencil stacks up against Wacom Cintiq
    Concerns about the new Apple Pencil stem from belief that the Cintiq is supe­ri­or at a sim­i­lar price, but the truth is there’s no comparison.Tags: Apple Pencil Wacom Design ApplePencil
  • All About Literary Agents

    Okay, maybe not all about agents. I’m not sure I can fit twenty-two years of expe­ri­ence into a sin­gle arti­cle, but I’m going to do my best to boil down what you need to know about agents, what to expect and how best to max­i­mize your expe­ri­ence. Sound good? Great, then let’s begin.


  • iA Writer, the pop­u­lar iOS/Mac app for focused writ­ing, launch­es on Android
    iA Writer, one of the best and most pop­u­lar iPhone, iPad and Mac appli­ca­tions for distraction-free writ­ing on the go, has been port­ed to Android and is now