Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 15 June 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • iA Writer, the pop­u­lar iOS/Mac app for focused writ­ing, launch­es on Android
    iA Writer, one of the best and most pop­u­lar iPhone, iPad and Mac appli­ca­tions for distraction-free writ­ing on the go, has been port­ed to Android and is now


  • All About Literary Agents

    Okay, maybe not all about agents. I’m not sure I can fit twenty-two years of expe­ri­ence into a sin­gle arti­cle, but I’m going to do my best to boil down what you need to know about agents, what to expect and how best to max­i­mize your expe­ri­ence. Sound good? Great, then let’s begin.


  • 20 Most Creative Wedding Invitations You’ll Ever Get
    The sea­son is here and you prob­a­bly have received a wed­ding invite or two a cou­ple of months back. A lot of work goes into the prepa­ra­tion for a weddingTags: Wedding Inspiration
  • The DIY Photographer
    In the world of pho­tog­ra­phy, even the sim­plest acces­sories can cost a few days’ salary. The answer? Don’t buy it. Build it!

    That’s the idea behind�The Do-It-Yourself Photographer. Every oth­er week, pho­tog­ra­ph­er and edu­ca­tor Joseph Linaschke shows how you can fash­ion ordi­nary items—from plas­tic cups to clamps to parch­ment paper—into acces­sories that will improve light­ing, sta­bi­lize your cam­era, and much more.

    So roll up your sleeves and break out the gaffer­’s tape. Learn how to become a DIY photographer.


  • Grid Calculator for InDesign – Radidly Build Grid-Based Layouts
    Experience Adobe InDesign … on steroids! While many design­ers in the world are wast­ing hours after hours try­ing to cre­ate lay­outs that works, our clients only need to spend min­utes. Tags: InDesign
  • How do the Design Philosophies of Apple, Microsoft, and Google Differ?
    In the tech land­scape, one could argue that there are three com­pa­nies who sit at the fore­front of every­thing. Which com­pa­nies are we talk­ing about? Apple,Tags: UI UX design
  • All About Literary Agents

    Okay, maybe not all about agents. I’m not sure I can fit twenty-two years of expe­ri­ence into a sin­gle arti­cle, but I’m going to do my best to boil down what you need to know about agents, what to expect and how best to max­i­mize your expe­ri­ence. Sound good? Great, then let’s begin.

  • The 4 Most Effective Book Marketing Strategies That Work
    Unless you are a genius and your work is the best book ever in the his­to­ry of the entire world (and if you think it is, you need a les­son in humil­i­ty), you need to mar­ket your work. Trouble is, most writ­ers have absolute­ly no idea where to start. Here’s just a quick smat­ter­ing of the ques­tions I receive in a giv­en week:


  • Five Travel Accessories for the Organized Writer, Designer, or Other Creative Pro
    Travel light, com­pact, and orga­nized with these 5 smart dig­i­tal acces­sories designed to help, not hin­der your trav­el, per­fect for design­ers at work or play.Tags: organized
  • Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Messy Photo Collection
    Our pho­to col­lec­tions have a way of grow­ing and mul­ti­ply­ing like weeds, and tidy­ing all the pho­tos up can be a daunt­ing task. With the right tools and approach, how­ev­er, orga­niz­ing all our pho­tos is less of a chore.
  • 10 Revolutionary Bookmarklets for Sharing to Replace Your Extensions
    Extensions are noto­ri­ous for slow­ing down your brows­er. So why not try out this rev­o­lu­tion­ary idea of using book­marklets instead of your favourite shar­ing extensions?Tags: SocialMedia