Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 15 October 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • How Much Would Apple Owe in U.S. Taxes If It Brought Its Money Home?

    American com­pa­nies keep an enor­mous amount of cash over­seas as a not-at-all-subtle way to avoid tax lia­bil­i­ty at home. 

  • How Much Would Apple Owe in U.S. Taxes If It Brought Its Money Home?

    American com­pa­nies keep an enor­mous amount of cash over­seas as a not-at-all-subtle way to avoid tax lia­bil­i­ty at home. 

  • DRM-restricted JPEGs?! That’s Under Discussion Right Now
    If you have ever tried scan­ning or pho­to­copy­ing a ban­knote, you may have found that your software—such as Adobe Photoshop, or the embed­ded soft­ware in the photocopier—refused to let you do so. That’s because your soft­ware is secret­ly look­ing for secu­ri­ty fea­tures such as EURion dots in the doc­u­ments that you scan, and is hard-coded to refuse to let you make a copy if it finds them, even if your copy would have been for a law­ful purpose.


  • Cure for can­cer might acci­den­tal­ly have been found!
    Scientists might have acci­den­tal­ly made a huge step for­ward in the search for a cure for can­cer — dis­cov­er­ing unex­pect­ed­ly that a malar­ia pro­tein could be an effec­tive weapon against the dis­ease. Danish researchers were hunt­ing for a way of pro­tect­ing preg­nant women from malar­ia, which can cause huge prob­lems because it attacks the pla­cen­ta. But they found at the same time that armed malar­ia pro­teins can attack can­cer, too — an approach which could be a step towards cur­ing the disease.
  • Why Digital Ads are Losing Value at an Alarming Rate
    Those days are gone, he insists, and the ad busi­ness has gone from part­ner and friend of pub­lish­ers to adver­sary and threat.Tags: DPS emag digimag
  • OneNote—the Swiss Army Knife of education

    This time of year also involves my favorite edu­ca­tion tool—OneNote. Like my Swiss Army Knife, OneNote is the one tool with many uses. A vir­tu­al note­book rem­i­nis­cent of my old Trapper Keeper, OneNote orga­nizes by sec­tions or group sec­tions with unlim­it­ed pages packed with doc­u­ments, pho­tos, emails, spread­sheets, record­ings, ink­ing and so much more. It gives me the abil­i­ty to col­lab­o­rate with col­leagues and stu­dents, and best of all, I can access the most cur­rent ver­sion of my note­books from my phone, iPad, Microsoft Surface, desk­top or laptop.


  • Seth’s Blog: When in doubt, draw a bell curve
    “All men are cre­at­ed equal.” But after that, cul­ture starts to change things. Almost noth­ing is even­ly dis­trib­uted. Some peo­ple seek out new tech­nol­o­gy in an area they are focused on… oth­ers fear new tech­nol­o­gy. Some peo­ple can dunk a…
  • Our Experience of Crowdfunding a Book

    The cur­tains have closed on Captain Honey’s first crowd­fund­ing cam­paign, and it’s been a tough and reward­ing process. A bit like a moun­tain climb, there were moments in the mid­dle when we swore we’d nev­er do this again. But, now we are safe­ly back on ter­ra fir­ma, we think ‘That was fun. When’s the next one?’


  • What are Optotypes? About the his­to­ry of eye charts and their fonts.

    My graph­ic design stu­dents love to design posters using the clas­sic eye chart com­po­si­tion, and they fre­quent­ly ask “What type­face should I use for this?” Not hav­ing a defin­i­tive answer has always been frus­trat­ing, so I decid­ed to inves­ti­gate to find out what type­face is used on eye charts.


  • 33 High Quality Blurred Background Images (of Nature)
    Nature Blurs Collection. 33 high qual­i­ty blurred pho­tos of nature. Flowers, grass, trees, rocks, sky and many more col­or­ful backgrounds.Tags: Free Freebie