Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 20 June 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Publishing Update 1406 : Why Newspapers, mag­a­zines, books, print media?
    David Pilcher sums it up beau­ti­ful­ly, there’s just noth­ing quite like a glossy mag­a­zine cov­er! Standing at the mag­a­zine rack/stand in your favorite gro­cery or phar­ma­cy, you see a broad spec­trum of selec­tions in print. They’re all beau­ti­ful, but…
  • Superb Design Creates Hidden Meanings In Tech Company Logos
    We picked 17 tech com­pa­ny logos that have hid­den, sub­tle, or oth­er­wise clever mes­sages inside their famous brand mar­ques. They include a Facebook logo that secret­ly indi­cates anoth­er com­pa­ny it hoped to kill, a mes­sage you won’t get unless you …
  • Google Doing Evil? YouTube Blocking Musicians That Won’t Sign Up For Its New Service

    YouTube is get­ting ready to release its ad-free music stream­ing ser­vice, but a report from The Financial Times says the com­pa­ny will block videos from any inde­pen­dent artists who don’t sign up for the new paid service.

  • The Calligraphic Stylings of Type Designer Kourosh Beigpour

    Kourosh Beigpour received his Bachelor’s in Art at the University of Tehran, and his Master’s in Malaysia, where he worked on Persian-Arabic font design and gen­er­at­ed new fonts based on man­u­script. We were inspired by his beau­ti­ful posters and asked him to share them with us.

  • Awesome Website Designs with Video Backgrounds

    Rather than use sim­ple col­ored back­grounds or pho­tos, design­ers are using videos to cre­ate more impres­sive, inter­est­ing and remark­able expe­ri­ence. And HTML5 makes much eas­i­er to imple­ment in a way that’s acces­si­ble. This post rounds up 22 Awesome Website Designs that have adopt­ed a stun­ning video background.

  • 10 Awesome Vintage Photoshop Tutorials

    If you’d like to learn how to cre­ate your own vintage-inspired designs, check out our excel­lent col­lec­tion of vin­tage Photoshop tutorials.

  • How to Get Sh*tty Clients in 3 Easy Steps

    You want the shit­ti­est clients pos­si­ble, and today I’m going to show you exact­ly how to do it. You know the client types: Low pay­ing, high­ly con­trol­ling and nev­er hap­py with your work, no mat­ter how great the project comes out.

    These are the clients you want and these are the clients I am going to teach you how to get.

    Curious to know how to get the shittest clients? Here’s a few quick tips to put you on your way to the most hor­ri­ble work­ing expe­ri­ence pos­si­ble as a freelancer.

  • If half the world did this, Facebook and Twitter would be more pleas­ant places to be.

    That’s the bad news. The good news is that it is sur­pris­ing­ly easy to tell quack­ery apart from real med­ical infor­ma­tion. Quack claims are typ­i­cal­ly dec­o­rat­ed with red flags … if you know what to look for. What fol­lows is a list of some of those red flags.

  • Property Law Primer for Multimedia Developers
    AN UNDERSTANDING OF LEGAL ISSUES is essen­tial to suc­cess in the mul­ti­me­dia indus­try. Mistakes can cost the mul­ti­me­dia devel­op­er tens or even hun­dred of thou­sands of dol­lars in legal fees and damages.
  • How To Create Typography Illustrations the Easy Way

    We’ll be cre­at­ing a trendy hand let­ter­ing style quote illus­tra­tion, except with this method there’s no hand let­ter­ing required! Usually this art­work would be care­ful­ly hand drawn and scanned, but instead we’re going to cheat and use dig­i­tal tech­niques to safe­ly tweak the text until we’re hap­py then fake that ana­logue look with textures.