Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 25 August 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Free! Exclusive! Multimedia Designer Icon Set in PSD, AI, EPS from Pariah Burke

    Courtesy of our friends over at Vecteezy, IAmPariah​.com is giv­ing away an exclu­sive set of 36 mul­ti­me­dia icons free for per­sonal and com­mer­cial use. The icons them­selves are a styl­ized retro stick­er motif that stand out well from usu­al icon sets. 

  • 20 Top Promotional Tips for Freelance Designers

    This is a big­gie! I’ve got so much design work busi­ness through cross-promotion. Be direct and con­vince a con­tact or busi­ness asso­ciate to cross pro­mote in their on or offline pro­mo­tions, i.e., a print design­er could pro­mote them­selves via a web design­er, pho­tog­ra­ph­er, or copy­writer, etc.

  • Design Challenge: The Floppy Disk and the ‘Save’ Icon

    The above let­ter may sound a lit­tle dra­mat­ic but for a num­ber of few years now the flop­py disk icon has come under fire for being used to encap­su­late the idea of ‘sav­ing a file’.

    It has been a dis­cus­sion point for so many years that we are address­ing it once more with the hopes that our read­ers might pro­vide some insight and even sug­ges­tions to this issue.

    While I’m not cam­paign­ing to save the flop­py disk, I’m cer­tain­ly not grab­bing the near­est pitch­fork and torch to march on it either.

  • 10 Talented Comic Book Artists You Should Follow on Twitter
    The social net­work­ing site is per­fect to show­case pieces and share tips, as well as con­verse with your favourite artist. Here are just a few to get you started.
  • Privacy as a Premium: Say Goodbye to the Free Internet

    The con­cept of pri­va­cy changed once it went online. What was once a sacred tomb of per­son­al infor­ma­tion has been twist­ed and altered by the dig­i­tal age, like so many ana­log and now anti­quat­ed con­cepts before it.

    Privacy is now some­thing that is not only tak­en for grant­ed, but no longer held to any regard. Yet, online pri­va­cy is not some­thing that is so much as tak­en from us but is what we’ve elect to give away.

  • Difficult Conversations: Cringe Fast, Cringe Early

    How should you start a con­ver­sa­tion that you’ve been dread­ing? If you’re going to miss a dead­line, do you ease into the bad news by first high­light­ing your project progress? Many peo­ple pre­fer to pad dif­fi­cult con­ver­sa­tions with fluff, in the hopes of dulling the inevitable impact.

  • Design Trend: White Headline Text in Web Design
    Very often back­ground pho­tographs are dark, so it would seem that white is the new black in web­site design.
  • Designer & artist explores col­or palettes in films, trans­forms work
    “In my effort to learn and trans­form my rela­tion­ship with col­or from a some­time strug­gle into a col­lab­o­ra­tive part­ner­ship, I decid­ed to start a project involv­ing noth­ing but col­or. It all sud­den­ly came to me one evening, as many serendip­i­tous i…