Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 27 May 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Go beyond plain EPUB in InDesign. New video course by Pariah Burke
    In this course you will go beyond cre­at­ing text-only EPUBs. Pariah Burke will start off by help­ing you con­vert print book lay­outs to ebook, spec­i­fy­ing sto­ry and imagery order through dif­fer­ent means. Next you will learn how to for­mat and include cover…
    We see it every day on signs, bill­boards, pack­ag­ing, in books and mag­a­zines; in fact, you are look­ing at it now — the Latin or Roman alpha­bet, the world’s most pro­lif­ic, most wide­spread abc. Typography is a rel­a­tive­ly recent inven­tion, but to unearth the ori­gins of alpha­bets, we will need to trav­el much far­ther back in time, to an era con­tem­po­ra­ne­ous with the emer­gence of (agri­cul­tur­al) civil­i­sa­tion itself.


  • How To Use Pinterest Effectively (And Avoid Crazy Nail Art)
    Learn how to use Pinterest effec­tive­ly, even though it may not seem pos­si­ble at first glance. Here’s how.Tags: Pinterest
  • How much rev­enue do ebooks earn ver­sus hard­cov­er and paperback?
    Copy edi­tors, dic­tio­nary offi­cials and lan­guage experts seem to be com­ing around to using the gender-neutral ‘they’ in the sin­gu­lar, instead of ‘he or she.’


  • Cisco Developing Cloud-Based Virtual Meeting Rooms

    Sixty-six per­cent of the 200 event orga­niz­ers who par­tic­i­pat­ed in Meeting Professionals International’s second-quarter Meetings Outlook sur­vey this year indi­cat­ed they expect­ed a year-over-year increase in vir­tu­al atten­dance, and more than half of the respon­dents indi­cat­ed their orga­ni­za­tions were using vir­tu­al and hybrid tech­nol­o­gy to enhance in-person meet­ings or incor­po­rate onsite and remote event elements. 

  • Making a career in graph­ic design
    Graphic design is a career for inno­va­tors. Designers need the abil­i­ty to think lat­er­al­ly and con­sid­er new ways to address prob­lems and turn them into designs which will be recog­nised and remem­bered. There are a wide range of career oppor­tu­ni­ties acros…
  • The Simple, Super-Sexy Way to Improve Your Writing Skills
    Want to improve your writ­ing skills? Here–finally–is a sim­ple, super-sexy, science-backed way to do exact­ly that. Jump right in, and get a skill upgrade!
