Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 28 September 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Create PDFs with e‑Signature Fields in InDesign
    Create a seam­less sign­ing expe­ri­ence for forms and doc­u­ments cre­at­ed using Adobe InDesign CC and then sent for sig­na­ture using Adobe Acrobat DC.Tags: PDF eform InDesign
  • Create PDFs with e‑Signature Fields in InDesign
    Create a seam­less sign­ing expe­ri­ence for forms and doc­u­ments cre­at­ed using Adobe InDesign CC and then sent for sig­na­ture using Adobe Acrobat DC.Tags: PDF eform InDesign
  • The Secrets of Getting Your Book Into Bookstores

    First, it’s impor­tant to under­stand the pres­sure stores are under right now. With the increased focus on pub­lish­ers to get their authors out there, book­stores are being giv­en most of their march­ing orders by their cor­po­rate office. Bookstore shelf space is bought and paid for by the New York pub­lish­ers, mak­ing get­ting on the shelves or dis­play racks a bit tricky – if not impos­si­ble. So here’s a game plan for those of you try­ing to sur­vive out­side of the tra­di­tion­al market.


  • The Only Color Scheme Generators You’ll Need

    There’s a lot of col­or scheme gen­er­a­tors for design­ers to use. Some are fan­tas­tic while oth­ers, not so much.

    We chose these par­tic­u­lar col­or scheme gen­er­a­tors for their ease of use and their unique fea­tures. No mat­ter what you’re work­ing on, we’re bet­ting any one of these col­or pick­ers will have you covered.


  • Detect Font Face Easily with Fontface Ninja
    If you stum­ble onto a font which you want to adopt for your own use, the com­mon way to find out info about that font is to use the Inspect Element option found in the Chrome browser.
  • Faith in human­i­ty restored: Dad Finds Brilliant Way To Reuse Leftover Crayons From Restaurants And Schools
    He melts them down into new crayons spe­cial­ly sized for chil­dren with spe­cial needs, and then donates them to area hospitals.
  • Review: Google Now vs. Siri vs. Cortana
    I came up with a series of ques­tions and asked each one. I then judged their respons­es based on the accu­ra­cy and rel­e­van­cy of the response, whether or not the answer was giv­en audi­bly or just visu­al­ly, and the speed with which the answer was delivered.
  • 10 Tips to Keep Your Calendar Simple and Efficient
    Today, I share 10 tips to help you sim­pli­fy your cal­en­dar and keep things orga­nized on your schedule.Tags: productivity
  • Ways To Sell Your Writing Without Selling Out
    If you have a sneaky hunch that try­ing to sell your writ­ing and writ­ing tal­ent is some­how tacky, you’re wrong. Find out why in this article.Tags: Writing AmWriting
  • 25 Ways Freelance Writers Can Make Money Writing
    Freelance writ­ers and those won­der­ing about becom­ing free­lance writ­ers want to know how they can make mon­ey writ­ing. There are a sur­pris­ing num­ber of ways you can make mon­ey writing.Tags: Writing AmWriting copywriting