Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 7 August 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • The Best Way to Introduce People Over Email
    When you’re intro­duc­ing some­one over email, you want to make sure all par­ties involved are com­plete­ly com­fort­able with the intro. The “dou­ble opt-in” approach gives both par­ties a chance to decline with­out caus­ing any problems.… Email Etiquette for Entrepreneurs Email Etiquette for Entrepreneurs Email Etiquette for Entrepreneurs Running a start­up is pret­ty much syn­ony­mous with “send­ing lots of emails,” but you… 


  • The Last Word on Helvetica?

    Helvetica: good, bad, evil?

    Perhaps this arti­cle should have end­ed at the ques­tion mark in its title. And by the end of it, you may well con­cur. However, in the mean­time, and before I get start­ed — and I promise this won’t take long — let me be clear, I am not, I repeat, not (inbold for empha­sis) a Helvetica hater.


  • How to Identify Profitable Clients: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Given these prob­lems, the solu­tion seems to be to have prof­itable clients who can pay you con­sis­tent­ly and pay you well. It’s eas­i­er said than done but, once you can find and keep more prof­itable clients, you can make more per project and even bring an end to the feast-or-famine cycle. Here’s a strat­e­gy you can use to get there:


  • 7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Week

    It’s the start of a new week.

    Are you pre­pared for what’s com­ing your way?

    Better yet, do you even know what you are doing and where you are headed?


  • InDesign tuto­r­i­al: Resize a page using InDesign’s Liquid Layouts

    Can the new Liquid Layout behav­iours in InDesign CS6 save you time repur­pos­ing a pub­li­ca­tion for dif­fer­ent print and dig­i­tal page sizes? That’s a ques­tion Digital Arts read­ers have been ask­ing us with increas­ing fre­quen­cy. 

    To answer this, we brought in InDesign and print and dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing expert Pariah Burke. And what bet­ter way for him to answer that ques­tion than by rework­ing one of our own lay­outs from the November 2012 issue of Digital Arts?


  • InDesign tuto­r­i­al: Resize a page using InDesign’s Liquid Layouts

    Can the new Liquid Layout behav­iours in InDesign CS6 save you time repur­pos­ing a pub­li­ca­tion for dif­fer­ent print and dig­i­tal page sizes? That’s a ques­tion Digital Arts read­ers have been ask­ing us with increas­ing fre­quen­cy. 

    To answer this, we brought in InDesign and print and dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing expert Pariah Burke. And what bet­ter way for him to answer that ques­tion than by rework­ing one of our own lay­outs from the November 2012 issue of Digital Arts?


  • 6 More of The Best Free Stock Photo Websites We Could Find

    We’ve scoured the inter­net one more time to bring you even more free stock pho­to resources for you to use on your next per­son­al or com­mer­cial project. All of the web­sites we found offer their pho­tos under the CC0 1.0 Universal License or have expressed that they have no rights reserved for the photos.


  • Mobile Will Drive Ad Spending Across Digitial Formats
    Mobile ad spend­ing will over­take ad spend­ing in all oth­er channels.Tags: eprd­ctn emag digimag