Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 8 December 2014

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Infographic: Comparing Performance of Digital Video, Rich Media, Mobile and Standard Banner Ads

    But even for those under­per­form­ing ban­ners, there’s an audi­ence. An analy­sis by ver­ti­cal showed con­tent relat­ed to law, gov­ern­ment and pol­i­tics pro­vid­ed the high­est CTR in stan­dard ban­ners, as well as high engage­ment. This same con­tent deliv­ered the low­est CTR for oth­er­wise high-performing rich media ads.
    Here is a break­down of the activ­i­ty on these four types of dig­i­tal ads, and which cat­e­gories per­formed the best on each in the first two quar­ters of 2014.

  • Concerned About Copyright? A Guide For Legally Using Images On The Web

    That’s copy­right in a nut­shell, but of course it’s much more com­plex than this. If you’re won­der­ing under what cir­cum­stances you can use images, how you can find the orig­i­nal cre­ator, and where you can find free to use alter­na­tives, expect some answers below. 

  • Barnes & Noble and Microsoft End Nook Partnership – NYTimes​.com

    The Nook, which once looked like Barnes & Noble’s best shot at adapt­ing to the dig­i­tal retail land­scape, has become a drag on its bot­tom line. Barnes & Noble report­ed on Thursday that rev­enue for the Nook seg­ment in the most recent quar­ter fell 41 per­cent, to $64 mil­lion, com­pared with the peri­od last year. Sales of e‑books and oth­er dig­i­tal con­tent fell 21 per­cent, to $45 million.

  • Startup office of the future promis­es ‘end of sitting’

    The research reads like a Surgeon General’s warn­ing: Prolonged peri­ods of sit­ting can lead to obe­si­ty, heart dis­ease, blood clots and spinal com­pres­sion, accord­ing to the lat­est med­ical studies.

  • Is Software Making Us Dumb?
    A cou­ple of weeks ago, a man drove a tractor-trailer into a Milwaukee park and over two pedes­tri­an bridges, where it ulti­mate­ly got stuck (a tow­ing com­pa­ny had to use a crane to lift the trail­er onto a near­by road). The dri­ver blamed his GPS de…
  • Is Software Making Us Dumb?
    A cou­ple of weeks ago, a man drove a tractor-trailer into a Milwaukee park and over two pedes­tri­an bridges, where it ulti­mate­ly got stuck (a tow­ing com­pa­ny had to use a crane to lift the trail­er onto a near­by road). The dri­ver blamed his GPS de…
  • Do You Know What All Of These Brand Names Mean?

    You hear about your favorite brands all of the time. Nintendo, Sony, Apple and oth­ers are men­tioned every day, but do you actu­al­ly know where the com­pa­ny names come from and what they mean? It’s prob­a­bly some­thing you nev­er even think about, but it’s actu­al­ly quite fascinating.
    Check out this info­graph­ic, and you might nev­er look at these pop­u­lar brands the same way again!