Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 8 October 2014

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Prototyping Tools: Moving from Fireworks to Illustrator (and Forgetting About Photoshop)

    Let’s com­pare Fireworks, Illustrator and Photoshop fea­tures for prototyping:

  • Ten Reasons Why The Gatekeepers Of Self-Publishing Have Become… You

    The online self-publishing clique has become incred­i­bly judge­men­tal of its own kind. These didacts are scar­ing the heck out of those want­i­ng a nice gen­tle, cre­ative, inclu­sive expe­ri­ence. Simply, self-published authors have become dic­ta­tors of their own indus­try. Here’s why.

  • Ten Reasons Why The Gatekeepers Of Self-Publishing Have Become… You

    The online self-publishing clique has become incred­i­bly judge­men­tal of its own kind. These didacts are scar­ing the heck out of those want­i­ng a nice gen­tle, cre­ative, inclu­sive expe­ri­ence. Simply, self-published authors have become dic­ta­tors of their own indus­try. Here’s why.

  • How Twitter’s ‘Buy’ but­ton will shake up social media

    Already test­ed out by influ­en­tial retail­ers such as Burberry, non­profts such as The Nature Conservancy and music acts includ­ing Pharrell Williams, the “Buy” but­ton works like it sounds. Within the Twitter app, users can view a tweet offer­ing a prod­uct. If they like what they see, they sim­ply need to tap “Buy Now” to pull up more details, enter ship­ping and pay­ment info and, done. 

  • How Twitter’s ‘Buy’ but­ton will shake up social media

    Already test­ed out by influ­en­tial retail­ers such as Burberry, non­profts such as The Nature Conservancy and music acts includ­ing Pharrell Williams, the “Buy” but­ton works like it sounds. Within the Twitter app, users can view a tweet offer­ing a prod­uct. If they like what they see, they sim­ply need to tap “Buy Now” to pull up more details, enter ship­ping and pay­ment info and, done. 

  • Apple Was Going To Partner With PayPal On Apple Pay Until It Found Out PayPal Was Working With Samsung
    PayPal was exclud­ed from Apple’s new pay­ment plat­form, Apple Pay, because the pay­ment plat­form part­nered with Samsung dur­ing nego­ti­a­tions with Apple, Bank Innovation’s Ian Kar reports.
  • The Rule of 52 and 17: It’s Random, But it Ups Your Productivity

    And the trick might sur­prise you. Turns out, what the most pro­duc­tive 10% of our users have in com­mon is their abil­i­ty to take effec­tive breaks. Specifically, the most pro­duc­tive peo­ple work for 52 min­utes at a time, then break for 17 min­utes before get­ting back to it (sim­i­lar to the Pomodoro Method—more on that here).

    The employ­ees with the high­est pro­duc­tiv­i­ty rat­ings, in fact, don’t even work eight-hour days. Turns out, the secret to retain­ing the high­est lev­el of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty over the span of a work­day is not work­ing longer—but work­ing smarter with fre­quent breaks.