Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 9 March 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • How to Build a Meaningful Career – HBR

    Everyone aspires to have pur­pose or mean­ing in their career but how do you actu­al­ly do that? What prac­ti­cal steps can you take today or this month to make sure you’re not just toil­ing away at your desk but you’re doing some­thing you gen­uine­ly care about?

  • 20 Pattern Tutorials For Your Future Designs

    Today, I’d like to share 20 pat­tern tuto­ri­als for Photoshop and Illustrator that you can use in your future designs. The best part about these tuto­ri­als is that you can set your imag­i­na­tion free and cus­tomize each pat­tern as you like. From nature-inspired pat­terns to more abstract themed ones, there’s plen­ty for you to choose from. Some of these tuto­ri­als require 2–3 hours of your time but it’s def­i­nite­ly worth it.

  • Becoming Well-Spoken: How to Minimize Your Uh’s and Um’s

    But the most famous fillers of all — the type that comes in for the most atten­tion and dis­dain – are “uh” and “um.” To many, um’s and uh’s are tan­ta­mount to “ver­bal virus­es” that clog up the lan­guage of the unciv­i­lized and une­d­u­cat­ed. Many pub­lic speak­ing experts rec­om­mend attempt­ing to scrub your speech clean of this pesky padding.


  • 5 Ways Creativity Creates Productivity
    Today, busi­ness lead­ers are com­plete­ly and utter­ly focused on pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Meanwhile, cre­ativ­i­ty is the spark of a new idea so incred­i­ble that it inter­rupts what­ev­er you’re doing to get it onto paper. Creativity leads to pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, if that work­place envi­ron­ment is devel­oped and nur­tured in a way that allows the two to peace­ful­ly co-exist. 


  • An illus­tra­tor fights his creations

    In this new series, Solis takes it a step fur­ther by fight­ing with his illus­tra­tions. Do not wor­ry for the poor lit­tle draw­ings though, they do fight back and hurt him pret­ty bad. As usu­al, the draw­ings are very well exe­cut­ed and detailed, which makes the inter­ac­tions feel more real.



    Web design has come a long way in the past few years. Full-screen videos on home­pages, respon­sive high-resolution slideshows, and phones with more internet-based func­tions than com­put­ers would have been unthink­able at the begin­ning of the decade, but now they’re commonplace.


  • It’s offi­cial: Americans should drink more cof­fee – The Washington Post
    It also said that con­sum­ing as many as five cups of cof­fee each day (400 mg) is tied to sev­er­al health ben­e­fits, includ­ing a reduced risk of car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease and type 2 diabetes.


  • A Shocking Look at the Technology Available to the North Korean People

    In North Korea’s iso­la­tion, they’ve devel­oped their own Internet. Their own tech­nol­o­gy indus­try. Even their own tablet com­put­ers. And they’ve even used infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy and the Web as a weapon of war. A pow­er­ful tool to fur­ther their own for­eign pol­i­cy interests.
