Stop Unembeddable Font Warnings

Despite the near impos­si­bil­i­ty of extract­ing embed­ded fonts from PDFs, some type foundries still pre­vent their fonts from being embed­ded in PDFs. While that choice is cer­tain­ly the type design­er’s …

How to Not Lose Italics and Bold

When a lit­tle plus sign appears next to an entry on the Paragraph Style palette, design­ers want to clear that plus sign. Doing so, how­ev­er, wipes away desired local text for­mat­ting as well as unde­sired. That is, unless you apply ital­ics, bold, and oth­er for­mat­ting the smart way.

Resize Text and Text Frames in One Step

Ever want to resize text as well as the frame? Of course you do, from time to time. It’s easy: Press and hold CMD (Mac) or CTRL (Windows) and then …

Sort InDesign Menus Alphabetically

Sometimes you know the name of a com­mand but just can’t seem to find it in the menu. Conveniently (quirk­i­ly?) InDesign allows you to re-order menu com­mands alpha­bet­i­cal­ly. On Windows hold …

Sort InCopy Menus Alphabetically

Sometimes you know the name of a com­mand but just can’t seem to find it in the menu. Conveniently (quirk­i­ly?) InCopy allows you to re-order menu com­mands alpha­bet­i­cal­ly. On Windows hold …

Fix Tool Keyboard Shortcuts

A long time ago, in a val­ley far, far away, Adobe Acrobat had one-button key­board short­cuts to com­mon tools. Much like cousins Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and most oth­er Adobe appli­ca­tions, pressing …

Select Color Range Preview Toggle

In Photoshop, Select > Color Range allows you to cre­ate a selec­tion based on sam­pled col­ors. In the Color Range win­dow you see a greyscale pre­view indi­cat­ing the lev­el of selection–which is …

Ugh! I Should Have Done That on a Master Page!

One of the real­ly nice things about InDesign is its lib­er­al pol­i­cy of undo/redo. It invites exper­i­men­ta­tion. Ever exper­i­ment your­self into wish­ing you’d start­ed on a mas­ter page instead of a document …