Guides Help Find the Center of an Image

Once in a while it’s use­ful to find the cen­ter of a Photoshop document–either the hor­i­zon­tal cen­ter, ver­ti­cal cen­ter, or both. While you could Select All, get the dimen­sions from the Info …

Reset Preferences

InDesign crash­ing? Menus and palettes blank or out of sorts? Other strange flut­ter­ings from the but­ter­fly? You might have cor­rupt­ed pref­er­ences. Reset them. Just press CMD+OPT+SHIFT (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT) while launch­ing InDesign (or …

Text: Wrap, Runaround, and the Question of Defaults

Flowing text around box­es is a con­cept com­mon to both InDesign and Quark, but with two names and two ways of look­ing at defaults, lay­out artists will find them­selves “think­ing dif­fer­ent­ly” when cross­ing platforms.

Top 5 Pain Points Tripping Up Your QuarkXPress to InDesign Game

In L.A. they’re throw­ing “Innie” par­ties; flash­ing an InDesign CS2 CD-ROM is required to part the vel­vet ropes at SoHo night­clubs, and; in Dallas, even the man­li­est of design­ing men is sport­ing a but­ter­fly tat­too. Learning InDesign is hip. It’s hap­pen­ing. It’s now. InDesign is the new black.

Solving Complicated Layouts with Space/Align

Everyone knows InDesign’s Space and Align com­mands move and dis­trib­ute objects, but did you know they can also make short work of build­ing a lay­out grid? Did you know InDesign had a Guides Manager like QuarkXPress?

Fixing Ruler Offset

Changing the doc­u­ment size in Illustrator via File > Document Setup does not update the rulers to accom­mo­date the new doc­u­ment size. Consequently, all your posi­tions will be off in …

Save It All Fast

CMD+S, CMD+W, CMD+S, CMD+W… It gets tedious if you have a num­ber of doc­u­ments open at once and you’re already run­ning late for a din­ner date. Save your­self some time and keystrokes. …

Rates & Pricing

We offer very sim­ple, extreme­ly com­pet­i­tive rates that fit any bud­get, any class size, and any time frame.

Multiple Undos In Photoshop

CMD+Z (CTRL+Z on Windows) has ever been the uni­ver­sal key­board short­cut that undoes the last action. In QuarkXPress, InDesign, Illustrator, Microsoft Word, and most oth­er appli­ca­tions, press­ing CMD+Z (CTRL+Z) a second …