Top 25 InDesign Tips From The InDesign Conference

I’ve been soak­ing up all kinds of tips, tricks and tech­niques from the InDesign Conference going on right now in Chicago. Here are my picks of the top 25 tips from a sin­gle day’s sessions.

QuarkXPress 7: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

It’s the most pow­er­ful, most feature-packed ver­sion of QuarkXPress ever built, they said. It stim­u­lates cre­ativ­i­ty and inspires organ­ic work, they claim. They said it will rev­o­lu­tion­ize pub­lish­ing. Quark VS InDesign​.com goes deep­er into QuarkXPress 7 than any­one before to see if they were right.

WhiteList Spam Attacks Threaten Blogs and Email

Spammers are employ­ing a new tac­tic to attack blogs, and it’s a tac­tic that could bring down anti-spam mea­sures pro­tect­ing not only the Blogosphere, but e‑mail too. Blog spam­mers are attack­ing blogs …

Quark Deals for Designers of Tomorrow, While Price-Gouging Designers of Today

A new deal with Scholastic hopes to increase Quark expo­sure among future gen­er­a­tions of Australian cre­atives, but the cur­rent state of Quark tech­nol­o­gy, cou­pled with the 200% markup for QuarkXPress down under, has the design­ers of today and tomor­row run­ning straight into InDesign’s arms. We have to ask: Is Quark real­ly woo­ing Australian cre­atives, or should we use anoth­er verb that rhymes with wooing?