Text Runaround In InDesign

Text Wrap in InDesign per­forms the func­tion that Text Runaround does in Quark, with more pow­er and precision

DTP Tools Makes InDesign History

DTP Tools makes his­to­ry fill­ing in the last miss­ing piece of InDesign CS History for InDesign CS pub­lish­er: DTP Tools plat­form: price: $39 usd rat­ing: Toward the end of an …

New Version of InCat, ActiveCatalogs

TradingBell released today new ver­sions of TradingBell CMS, a cat­a­log cre­ation, man­age­ment, and pub­lish­ing solu­tion, and InCat, an Adobe InDesign plug-in for build­ing and man­ag­ing cat­a­logs with­in InDesign for either OS …

Undeletable File Deleted

Every morn­ing for the last two weeks I’ve been dis­tressed to find my pri­ma­ry Windows XP sys­tem blue screened when I walk into my home office. The prob­lem, I dis­cov­ered pret­ty quickly, …

A Plan To Reduce Spam

Several proven meth­ods of reduc­ing the amount of spam you receive—and some ways to reduce the prof­its of those who send it.