Who's Watching the Adobe-Macromedia Merger?

As Adobe and Macromedia await word of DOJ rul­ings on the impend­ing merg­er and what will become of the com­pa­nies’ com­pet­i­tive prod­ucts, both move for­ward with stock­hold­er votes. But if applications–DreamWeaver, GoLive, FreeHand, FireWorks, or Homesite–have to sell, who is like­ly to buy?

Barbie's Bad Boy

The truth about Pariah revealed! I have a con­fes­sion to make: That’s me. It’s a photograph–I have no depth, wrin­kles, or nos­trils, and liv­ing with one-piece hair saves on con­di­tion­er (once in …

InBrief XPress (2005-06-29)

All the News for Those Who Print Electronic-Publishing Talks Quark VS InDesignIn the cur­rent issue of Electronic-Publishing edi­tor Keith Hevenor details the his­to­ry and rival­ry of the desk­top pub­lish­ing giants, …

I Wept Teaching A Class Today

Today was my last day work­ing in Colorado Springs. I fly out ear­ly tomor­row morn­ing. Because I am so pas­sion­ate about InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc., about the graph­ics indus­try, and about sharing …

Apple: Going For The Jugular... And Cutting Its Own Throat

In a graph­ic design group I recent­ly got into a dis­cus­sion about appli­ca­tion choice on the Macintosh. During this dis­cus­sion, in response to the accu­sa­tion that, with­out Apple and com­pe­ti­tion, we would “be …