Budgetable Rates Per Day

Training rates are per day (or ½ Day) and not per stu­dent. The total instruc­tor dai­ly (or half-daily) rate remains the same whether you are 2 or 10 stu­dents, 11 or 20, 21 to 50, or 51 or more, enabling major sav­ings cou­pled with the high­est qual­i­ty cus­tomized training.

Hands-On Training/Consulting—On-Site* or Online/Virtual Instructor-Led Training

Note: Remote class­es are deliv­ered via Zoom. * On-site training/consultation may incur trav­el expens­es on top of the below class rates.

Number of Students Length Flat Rate Per Student
1‑on‑1 (One Student) Full Day $1,000.00 $1,000
1‑on‑1 (One Student) ½ Day $750.00 $750
2—10 Students Full Day $1,500.00 $750—$150
2—10 Students ½ Day $1,000.00 $500—$100
11—20 Students Full Day $2,500.00 $228—$125
11—20 Students ½ Day $1,500.00 $137—$75
21—50 Students Full Day (Lecture Style) $5,000.00 $238—$100
21—50 Students ½ Day $3,500.00 $166—$70
51 or More Students Full Day (Lecture Style) $6,000.00 $118

Day Lengths

A full day is 7 hours—6 hours of class­room instruc­tion with a 1‑hour lunch, giv­ing stu­dents an hour before or after class to deal with e‑mail, phone calls, and oth­er work with­out inter­rupt­ing learn­ing. (Start time, and thus end time, are at clien­t’s discretion.)

A ½ Day is 3 hours. Two half-day engage­ments on the same day will be billed at the low­er full-day rate.

Class Sizes

Rates are per class, but rel­e­vant to the num­ber of stu­dents due to the increased dif­fi­cul­ty of tai­lor­ing the edu­ca­tion to each indi­vid­ual in larg­er groups. Our on-site class­es are typ­i­cal­ly deliv­ered for up to 25 stu­dents per instruc­tor, while vir­tu­al class­es we pre­fer to cap at 90 stu­dents (lecture-style, see below, or 50 stu­dents in hands-on, instructor-led training).

We advise hold­ing mul­ti­ple class­es rather than try­ing to cram too many stu­dents into a sin­gle class. Smaller class sizes enable our instruc­tors to bet­ter focus on the needs of the indi­vid­ual learn­ers, help­ing every­one in the class and the entire com­pa­ny bet­ter achieve the learn­ing objec­tives for the class. If tim­ing is an issue, we can flex­i­ble; let’s talk.

Lecture Style Courses

Lecture-style cours­es are deliv­ered as non-hands-on lecture-style edu­ca­tion where­in the instruc­tor can edu­cate a large num­ber of peo­ple, but where hands-on and indi­vid­ual inter­ac­tion is lim­it­ed. If your team needs to learn accord­ing to a pre-built cur­ricu­lum, either a stan­dard Adobe, Microsoft, IconLogic, or oth­er pre-written cur­ricu­lum, with or with­out basic, pre-event cus­tomiza­tion, then the Lecture Style Course may be for your team, espe­cial­ly if you have a large team or mul­ti­ple loca­tions that will be par­tic­i­pat­ing virtually.

Lead Time

We pre­fer to have 4 to 6 weeks of lead time in sched­ul­ing class­es or con­sul­ta­tions, but the real­i­ty of today’s busi­ness world is that time is a lux­u­ry. Whatever your time frame—from two months out to two days out—we’ll do our best to work with­in your sched­ule.

Travel Expenses

Travel expens­es will be added when our staff is required to trav­el out­side the “local” area or when tal­ent is brought in from out­side the local area. We will advise you of this ear­ly on in our dis­cus­sions so you are aware of poten­tial addi­tion­al cost. As a Portland, Oregon-based orga­ni­za­tion, most loca­tions in the Portland Metro Area would not involve addi­tion­al trav­el expens­es. And, of course, Virtual Instructor-Led Training via Zoom incurs $0 trav­el expens­es to deliv­ery any­where on Earth.

Class Materials

In most cas­es class mate­ri­als are includ­ed in the price of the class. Exceptions are list­ed with­in the course descrip­tion itself. Any soft­ware pur­chas­es and cus­tom devel­op­ment of scripts, plu­g­ins, and oth­er mate­ri­als is not includ­ed in the above class­room rates.

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