Perfecting Punctuation and Sentence Endings - Illustrator Typography

In this tuto­r­i­al clip you will learn how to…

  • Use Adobe Illustrator’s Smart Punctuation for auto­mat­ic clean up of dumb quotes, miss­ing lig­a­tures, and more.
  • Hang punc­tu­a­tion for bet­ter, clean­er flush edges.
  • How many spaces should REALLY be after a period.
  • How many punc­tu­a­tion marks to use at the end of sentences.
  • And, how to use and cre­ate an inter­robang to end a sen­tence with quizzi­cal sur­prise, sar­casm, or out­raged indignity.

Excerpted from Pariah Burke’s com­pre­hen­sive Pluralsight video course, Illustrator CC Typography.