
After this Camtasia train­ing class you will be able to quick­ly and eas­i­ly build pro­fes­sion­al video pre­sen­ta­tions, train­ing videos, and inter­ac­tive elearn­ing mod­ules. You will then be able to share and dis­trib­ute your videos eas­i­ly to any­one, anywhere.


After this ScreenFlow train­ing class you will be able to quick­ly and eas­i­ly build pro­fes­sion­al screen­casts, video pre­sen­ta­tions, train­ing videos, and inter­ac­tive elearn­ing mod­ules. You will then be able to share and dis­trib­ute your videos eas­i­ly to any­one, any­where, pri­vate­ly or publicly.

InCopy for Writers and Editors

Adobe InCopy is a pro­fes­sion­al word pro­cess­ing appli­ca­tion made by Adobe Systems. The InDesign desk­top pub­lish­ing soft­ware is pri­mar­i­ly used to pub­lish news­pa­pers and mag­a­zines; the InCopy com­po­nent, whether inte­grat­ed or …