
After this ScreenFlow train­ing class you will be able to quick­ly and eas­i­ly build pro­fes­sion­al screen­casts, video pre­sen­ta­tions, train­ing videos, and inter­ac­tive elearn­ing mod­ules. You will then be able to share and dis­trib­ute your videos eas­i­ly to any­one, any­where, pri­vate­ly or publicly.

iSpring Presenter

After this iSpring Presenter train­ing class you will be able to rapid­ly cre­ate inter­ac­tive pre­sen­ta­tions in PowerPoint, enhance them with rich media, branch view­ing sce­nar­ios, add polls and sur­veys, and imme­di­ate­ly share them all world­wide to stu­dents, col­leagues, and learn­ers any­where, using any desk­top, lap­top and mobile platform.

iSpring QuizMaker

This iSpring train­ing class will get you up and run­ning with iSpring QuizMaker for PowerPoint, the cus­tomiz­able, impres­sive, mobile-ready quiz build­ing tool that ensures elearn­ing suc­cess. iSpring QuizMaker saves you time and lets you cre­ate sharp surveys. 


After this Camtasia train­ing class you will be able to quick­ly and eas­i­ly build pro­fes­sion­al video pre­sen­ta­tions, train­ing videos, and inter­ac­tive elearn­ing mod­ules. You will then be able to share and dis­trib­ute your videos eas­i­ly to any­one, anywhere.