Designing Interactive PDFs in InDesign

Even with the rise of fixed-layout ebooks and Adobe Publish Online, inter­ac­tive PDFs are still the most com­mon for­mat for dis­trib­ut­ing pre­ci­sion designed pub­li­ca­tions to desk­tops and lap­tops. With pixel-perfect …

InDesign CC EPUB Fundamentals

In this course you will go beyond cre­at­ing text-only EPUBs. Pariah Burke will start off by help­ing you con­vert print book lay­outs to ebook, spec­i­fy­ing sto­ry and imagery order through dif­fer­ent means. Next you will learn how to for­mat and include cov­er images, illus­tra­tions, native InDesign vec­tor objects, and more, and how to con­trol their con­ver­sion and for­mat­ting dur­ing EPUB export. Then you will move into incor­po­rat­ing audio and video into your ebook. Wrapping up the course, you’ll learn how to include hyper­links and spe­cial hyper­links, and all the final for­mat­ting options in InDesign’s EPUB – Reflowable Export Options.

InDesign CC EPUB Fundamentals

In this course you will go beyond cre­at­ing text-only EPUBs. Pariah Burke will start off by help­ing you con­vert print book lay­outs to ebook, spec­i­fy­ing sto­ry and imagery order through dif­fer­ent means. Next you will learn how to for­mat and include cov­er images, illus­tra­tions, native InDesign vec­tor objects, and more, and how to con­trol their con­ver­sion and for­mat­ting dur­ing EPUB export. Then you will move into incor­po­rat­ing audio and video into your ebook. Wrapping up the course, you’ll learn how to include hyper­links and spe­cial hyper­links, and all the final for­mat­ting options in InDesign’s EPUB – Reflowable Export Options.

Fill InDesign's Fixed-Layout EPUB Gaps with CircularFLO

InDesign is the world’s great­est lay­out appli­ca­tion, but to be the world’s great­est ebook cre­ation platform—especially for fixed-layout ebooks—it needs the help of CircularFLO. With CircularFLO, the options for cre­at­ing fixed-layout ebooks for all gen­res and ebook­stores are wide open.