Unlock the Power of Knowledge Transfer with Cutting-Edge eLearning Solutions

Welcome to a world where learn­ing knows no bounds. In today’s fast-paced, dig­i­tal age, edu­ca­tion­al mate­ri­als should be engag­ing, acces­si­ble, and effec­tive. This is where I come in. With over a decade of expe­ri­ence in devel­op­ing eLearning and mLearning solu­tions, I am your trust­ed part­ner in cre­at­ing top-notch edu­ca­tion resources tai­lored to your unique needs.

The Need for My Services

In a rapid­ly evolv­ing world, the abil­i­ty to edu­cate and upskill your employ­ees, ven­dors, or cus­tomers effi­cient­ly and effec­tive­ly is cru­cial. Traditional train­ing meth­ods are often time-consuming, inflex­i­ble, and cost­ly. This is where eLearning and mLearning shine, and where my exper­tise tru­ly makes a difference.

Benefits of eLearning and mLearning:

  1. Flexibility: Access your train­ing mate­ri­als any­time, any­where, mak­ing it ide­al for remote work­forces and glob­al teams.
  2. Engagement: Interactive mul­ti­me­dia, gam­i­fi­ca­tion, and per­son­al­ized con­tent ensure learn­ers stay engaged and retain infor­ma­tion more effectively.
  3. Cost-Efficiency: Reduce trav­el and on-site train­ing costs while achiev­ing con­sis­tent and scal­able edu­ca­tion delivery.
  4. Analytics: Gain insights into learn­er progress, allow­ing you to adapt and improve your train­ing strategies.
  5. Adaptability: Easily update and refresh con­tent to keep up with chang­ing reg­u­la­tions or indus­try trends.

My Speed, Efficiency, and Effectiveness

1. Speed:

I under­stand that time is of the essence in the cor­po­rate world. I pride myself on deliv­er­ing results quick­ly with­out com­pro­mis­ing qual­i­ty. My stream­lined process­es and exten­sive expe­ri­ence allow me to hit the ground running.

2. Efficiency:

Efficiency is at the core of every­thing I do. I work close­ly with you to iden­ti­fy your spe­cif­ic train­ing needs, ensur­ing that every aspect of the eLearning or mLearning solu­tion is aligned with your goals. My pro­fi­cien­cy with lead­ing tools like Adobe Captivate, Articulate, iSpring, Vyond, Techsmith Camtasia, PowerPoint, Screenflow, Canva, Prezi, Adobe Première Pro, and more enables me to cre­ate engag­ing con­tent efficiently.

3. Effectiveness:

I believe in the pow­er of effec­tive learn­ing. My eLearning and mLearning solu­tions are designed to pro­duce tan­gi­ble results. Whether you need job aids, step-by-step tuto­ri­als, video edu­ca­tion, explain­er videos, or pre­sen­ta­tions, my mate­ri­als are craft­ed to empow­er your learn­ers with prac­ti­cal skills and knowledge.

Why Choose me?

  1. Extensive Experience: With over a decade in the indus­try, I bring a wealth of knowl­edge and best prac­tices to your project.
  2. Customized Solutions: I tai­lor my ser­vices to your spe­cif­ic require­ments, ensur­ing a per­fect fit for your audience.
  3. Cutting-Edge Technology: I stay at the fore­front of eLearning and mLearning tools, pro­vid­ing you with the lat­est innovations.
  4. Proven Results: My track record speaks for itself. I’ve helped numer­ous com­pa­nies ele­vate their train­ing pro­grams with out­stand­ing success.
  5. Exceptional Support: I’m not just a ser­vice provider; I’m your part­ner in edu­ca­tion. I pro­vide ongo­ing sup­port to ensure your eLearning solu­tions con­tin­ue to evolve and excel.

Transform your train­ing and edu­ca­tion efforts with my expert eLearning and mLearning devel­op­ment ser­vices. Contact me today to dis­cov­er how I can cre­ate a learn­ing expe­ri­ence that sets your orga­ni­za­tion apart.

Elearn module: ePlans Reviewer Training: ProjectDox Measure Takeoff (Part 1: Creating Categories and Counting)

Elearning: ProjectDox Measure TakeOff

Note: Video is export­ed from the Captivate elearn­ing mod­ule, which dis­ables inter­ac­tiv­i­ty and can intro­duce tim­ing glitch­es. The actu­al Captivate elearn­ing mod­ule is avail­able for review upon request. Title: ProjectDox …

Video eLearning: Vyond Animation TWD Video Shorts

Title: Training & Workforce Development Video Shorts Animations Audience: Internal Personnel Organization-wide My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Animation, Audio Editing, Video Editing, Comedy Writing Primary Tool(s) Employed: Vyond, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Première Pro, Adobe …

UX Skills Assessment Using Bloom's Taxonomy

Title: Skills Assessment: UX Design (User Experience Design) Audience: Professional UX design­ers seek­ing an inde­pen­dent ver­i­fi­ca­tion of their skills for prospec­tive employ­ment and/or look­ing to under­stand weak­ness­es and holes in …

Slide: Contents

Creating a Brand Style Guide

Title: Slides from Module 4 of the video course Creating a Brand Style Guide Audience: Corporate Brand Managers and Marketing and Design per­son­nel My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Author, Designer Primary Tool(s) Employed: Microsoft PowerPoint Working …

Elearning: Zilretta Modules

Title: Zilretta eLearning Modules Audience: Pharmaceutical com­pa­ny Sales and Marketing depart­ments My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Instructional Design, Graphic Design Primary Tool(s) Employed: Adobe InDesign, Adobe InCopy, Adobe Acrobat Description: Interactive module-based education …

Elearn module: ePlans Reviewer Training: ProjectDox Versioning Tools

Elearning: ProjectDox Versioning Tools

Note: Video is export­ed from the Captivate elearn­ing mod­ule, which dis­ables inter­ac­tiv­i­ty and can intro­duce tim­ing glitch­es. The actu­al Captivate elearn­ing mod­ule is avail­able for review upon request. Title: ProjectDox …

Video eLearning: ProjectDox Applicant

Title: Training & Workforce Development Video Shorts Animations Audience: Internal Personnel Organization-wide My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Animation, Audio Editing, Video Editing, Comedy Writing Primary Tool(s) Employed: Vyond, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Première Pro, Adobe …

Elearning/Mlearning: Ivacaftor Clinical Studies

Title: Ivancaftor Clinical Studies eLearning Module Audience: Pharmaceutical com­pa­ny Sales dept. My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Instructional Design, Graphic Design Primary Tool(s) Employed: iSpring Suite, PowerPoint Description: Interactive module-based edu­ca­tion used by phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sales …