UX Skills Assessment Using Bloom's Taxonomy

Skills Assessment: UX Design (User Experience Design)

Professional UX design­ers seek­ing an inde­pen­dent ver­i­fi­ca­tion of their skills for prospec­tive employ­ment and/or look­ing to under­stand weak­ness­es and holes in their skills for fur­ther skills development.

My Role(s)/Contribution(s):
Skills Assessment Writing, Editing, SME, Collaborating with Writing & Editorial Team

Primary Tool(s) Employed:
Microsoft Word, Google Sheets

I wrote ques­tions, answers, and plau­si­ble dis­trac­tors using the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy from the cog­ni­tive behav­ior lev­els of Remember, Understanding, Application, and Analysis.

Drawing on my expe­ri­ence in UX Design and Instructional Design, I act­ed as a SME for myself and oth­er authors, while col­lab­o­rat­ing with a small team of instruc­tion­al design­ers, edi­tors, and SMEs to ensure accu­ra­cy and com­plete­ness in devel­op­ing a com­pre­hen­sive skills assess­ment exam for the UX Design discipline.