Fourth Crow Movie In Post Production

A Boy and His Bird News reports updates on the fourth The Crow movie, star­ring David Boreanaz (“Angel”, “Buffy, The Vampire Slayer”), Tara Reed (My Boss’s Daughter), and David Ortiz (“Miss Match”), is the fourth dark fan­ta­sy film spring­ing from James O’Barr’s graph­ic nov­el series, “The Crow.”

Did you know there were already three films? Most peo­ple don’t real­ize the third was pro­duced and released.

Beginning with the orig­i­nal, The Crow, star­ring Brandon Lee, who per­ished while shoot­ing the final scenes of the film, the over-done The Crow: City of Angels failed to approach the appeal and matu­ri­ty of the first film. The third film, The Crow: Salvation, went straight to cable after test screen­ings revealed it to be, um, crap. While I would­n’t say it was crap per se, it did suck. Fred Ward (The Adventures of Remo Williams) is in it, if that helps you pic­ture the qual­i­ty of the film.

In addi­tion to the three pro­duced films there have been six excel­lent nov­el­iza­tions by dif­fer­ent authors, a hor­ri­ble tele­vi­sion series enti­tled “The Crow: Stairway To Heaven” and star­ring B‑movie-sinker Mark DeCoscas. There also remains scrapped fifth The Crow film about a gans­ta rap­per and an ani­mat­ed series that is expe­ri­enc­ing more set­backs than the orig­i­nal X‑Men cartoon.

All con­tin­ues to go well with the post pro­duc­tion of “The Crow: Wicked Prayer”. Confidence is still high in regard to a the­atri­cal release, but it is too ear­ly to know for sure which direc­tion Dimension will go. Fans have asked about pro­mo­tion shots, news items, etc. Now that the film has passed into the post pro­duc­tion phase, all of those types of things are under the con­trol of the Miramax/Dimension pro­mo­tion depart­ment. Do not expect to see any­thing until clos­er to the time that the film is due out. 

4 thoughts on “Fourth Crow Movie In Post Production

  1. Chris

    Ya know… If any­body in Hollywood paid any atten­tion to any­thing, they might real­ize some­thing impor­tant about the gen­earl pub­lic and how they respond to orig­i­nal con­cept movies and how poeer­ly sequels do.
    Take Highlander.
    One of the best con­cept films ever made. Then Hollywood said, wow… make a sequel!
    That was bad because, the first film had a def­i­nite end­ing (i.e. There can be Only One and he won the final fight).
    The same is true of the Crow. Come on producer/writer idiots! The hero only came back to life, to exact revenge for his one true love in life. As I recall, he did that in the first movie. Take a hint from Highlander 2, an even poor­er act­ing job by Mario Van Peebles in Highlander 3, a very bad twist to the tale in the cre­ation of Highlander the series and its bas­tard cre­ation off shoot which I can’t even stom­ach enough to remem­ber the name of, and learn a lesson.
    Unless the first movie has an obvi­ous plot hole that allows it to be sequeled or branched and expand­ed upon (i.e Star Wars or the Indiana Jones tril­o­gy) leave the damn bird alone.

  2. Othyem

    I some­what agree with you on the sequels. Highlander had a great first movie but the two that fol­lowed sucked. But the last one that was made Highlander: endgame I thought was exce­lent. It did­n’t exact­ly make sense con­sid­er­ing it was sup­pose to end after the first movie, but I still thought that it was a great movie if you ignore the fact that it had pre­vi­ous movies.

  3. Pariah Burke

    Agreed, the Highlander fran­chise sucked after the first one.

    The Crow, how­ev­er, is always some­one new each time. That’s the con­cept. You should check out the graph­ic nov­els but espe­cial­ly the nov­els. They’re excellent.

  4. Pariah Burke

    And a tele­vi­sion series that was con­trary to most of the film. I’m a big believ­er in con­ti­nu­ity. Maybe it comes from being a writer myself. I just hate to see lazi­ness for the sake of mak­ing a buck.

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