National Chains Shave Employees' Hours, Wages

From the New York Times:

Altering of Worker Time Cards Spurs Growing Number of Suits

Experts on com­pen­sa­tion say that the ille­gal doc­tor­ing of hourly employ­ees’ time records is far more preva­lent than most Americans believe. The prac­tice, com­mon­ly called shav­ing time, is eas­i­ly done and hard to detect–a sim­ple mat­ter of com­put­er keystrokes–and has spurred a grow­ing num­ber of law­suits and set­tle­ments against a wide range of businesses. 

Workers have sued Family Dollar and Pep Boys, the auto parts and repair chain, accus­ing man­agers of delet­ing hours. A jury found that Taco Bell man­agers in Oregon had rou­tine­ly erased work­ers’ time. More than a dozen for­mer Wal-Mart employ­ees said in inter­views and depo­si­tions that man­agers had altered time records to short­change employ­ees. The Department of Labor recent­ly reached two back-pay set­tle­ments with Kinko’s pho­to­copy cen­ters, total­ing $56,600, after find­ing that man­agers in Ithaca, N.Y., and Hyannis, Mass., had erased time for 13 employees.