Facebook Easter Egg: Magic Circles

Facebook easter egg
Image by $holy­dev­il via Flickr

Thanks to Bob Levine and his friend Leon, we now know about a funky new Facebook Easter egg–magic circles!

While on Facebook, per­form the fol­low­ing actions to acti­vate the Easter egg.

Press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, ENTER key, right-click on the Facebook page (if a con­text sen­si­tive menu appears, click away from it to hide the menu), and then press UP and DOWN.

Voila! Magic cir­cles will appear!

If you don’t see the mag­ic cir­cles right away, try typ­ing some­thing into your sta­tus box. If they still don’t appear, refresh the page and start the sequence over.

The only way to turn off the mag­ic cir­cles is to log off or refresh the page.

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